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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/24 04:16:01 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/19 06:07:31 JST
TITULO Shunkyuro Zuidan (My Thoughts and Actions) (š)
AUTOR Morinosuke Kajima
EDITORIAL Kajima Institute of Research
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(t‹yo’k)(With the rapid growth in recent years of the national power of Japan, especially of her economy, and the extensive expansion of the business of the Kajima Construction Company, over which I preside, I have more and more opportunities for contact with people of foreign countries, in my capacity as a member of the Diet and as a businessman.@^During the course of these contacts, I came to realize that foreigners should have a deeper comprehension and understanding of the Japanese people and of myself, so I decided to publish the English translation of this book originally written in Japanese.@^In her foreword to the book, Mrs. Kurusu, wife of the late ex-Ambassador to the United States, tells of my good fortune in having had two sets of parents. In truth, I have had not only four parents, but also four professions. Upon graduation from university, I entered the diplomatic career, serving mainly in the Foreign Office and in posts in Germany and Italy for nearly ten years. During the next decade, I engaged in the life of a scholar and diplomatic critic, and it was then that I was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws for my publication entitled LA Study of the Causes of World WarL. I was also awarded the Academy Prize for the merit of studies in my books LA Diplomatic History of Japan and Great BritainL, and LHistorical Interpretation of JapanLs Foreign PolicyL.@^I entered my third profession in 1938 when I succeeded my wifeLs father as President of the Kajima Construction Company, but when I was designated State Minister with theportfolio of Director-General of the Hokkaido Development Agency, in the second Kishi Cabinet, I handed over the presidency of the Company to my wife. Upon termination of my duties as Cabinet member, I assumed the Chairmanship of the Board of Directors of the Company.@^My fourth is that of politician. Since my election in 1953, I have been participating in politics as a member of the House of Councillors, having been appointed Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Research Committee of the Liberal-Democratic Party and so on.@^In this book, which might be called an autobiography of myself who had four parents and four professions, I think and hope that the reader may find some enlightenment on the Japanese ways of living, feeling, thoughts, mentality and traditions.@^Generally speaking, foreigners are sometimes inclined to think that the Japanese are simple and innocent. Through this book, however, they will come to understand the intricacy and complexity of things Japanese,--products of the influence which many foreign countries have exerted on Japan and the Japanese people since olden times and even today.@^If this book can be useful in some way towards bringing about a better understanding not only of my own personality, but also of the Japanese people, it will be for me a joy and a source of satisfaction. [from LPREFACEL, Morinosuke Kajima, August 9, 1961])


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