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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/24 05:02:57 JSTLastUpdate:2018/09/09 01:44:21 JST
TITULO Told Round A Brushwood Fire (The Autobiography of Arai Hakuseki)(š)
AUTOR (trans. by Joyce Ackroyd)
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-68008-248-2
NOTA (š)(The celebrated Confucian scholar Arai Hakuseki [1657-1725] holds a prominent position in Japanese history as the influential adviser to Shogun Tokugawa Ienobu and his successor Ietsugu. HakusekiLs administrative reforms, his voluminous writings, and his advice on a multitude of topics -coinage, foreign trade, taxation, diplomatic protocol, justice, the samurai code, and Lbenevolent government,L for example- governed most of the policies implemented during IenobuLs rule and influenced many of those of his successors. HakusekiLs LTold Round a Brushwood Fire [Oritaku Shiba no Ki]L was the first Japanese autobiography and is often singled out as the most outstanding. As primary source material for the first half of the Tokugawa period, it constitutes a unique historical supplement to the official records. Presented here is the first scholarly English translation of, and commentary on, this important work. The autobiography is a vividly written chronicle containing portraits of prominent government figures and theories of administrative, enocomic, and commercial reform. In addition to portraying the venality and incompetence of the Tokugawa bureaucracy, it delineates the condition of a society during a transitional period when civilian ambitions were replacing military ones. Much of what Hakuseki says about personal behavior and public life can still be considered relevant to contemporary Japanese society. Joyce Ackroyd is Professor of Japanese language and literature at the University of Queensland in Australia.)


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