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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/24 05:17:26 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/15 21:42:02 JST
TITULO A Daughter of the Samurai (š)
AUTOR Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto
EDITORIAL Hurst & Blackett
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(This first volume in this series which has proved itself so popular is certain to take a permanent place in the literature of our time, for the quality of its writing and the uniqueness of the subject. This autobiography, telling how a daughter of feudal Japan became Westernised, received unanimous praise. Of it Christopher Morley said : LWhat a lovely book it is, and how much it has to teach us. I have a secret notion that it will go on for years, making friends for itself and for the brave woman who wrote it.L It has been translated into several foreign languages, and has been a constant seller in America for nearly ten years. Few books, surely, can have had more eulogistic notices. The Times said it was Lof exceptional interest.L The Morning Post called it Lone of the immortal autobiographies.L The Daily Telegraph critic stated : LI can say without hesitation that no more dignified or satisfactory interpreter of the Far East has yet appeared.L The Scotsman said : LThe book must be read to gain an idea of the infinite charm that pervades it.L LEverymanL said : LExquisite as a freshly opened cherry blossom. Every artist should read this book for the beauty of its style.L)


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