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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/24 05:25:15 JSTLastUpdate:2018/06/10 03:03:20 JST
TITULO The Life And Death of Yukio Mishima (š)
AUTOR Henry Scott Stokes
ISBN 4-8053-0651-3
NOTA (š)LBIO-0035Les mismo libro, pero de diferente editorial. (1.Yukio Mishima, born Kimitake Hiraoka in 1925, the eldest son of a samurai family living in Tokyo, was the best-known writer of his generation in Japan. His death by Lhara-kiriL in 1970, combined as it was with an abortive attempt at a coup dLetat, caused an international sensation. At twenty, Mishima was convinced that his death was imminent. Through ill-health he avoided conscription, thus losing the chance of a glorious death in battle. However, his experiences during the war, indeed the very fact of his survival, were to color the rest of his life. In this first biography of Yukio Mishima, Henry Scott Stokes explores the background to his suicide and comes to the conclusion that it was MishimaLs bizarre personal aesthetic that led him to his death. He examines MishimaLs narcissism, his devotion to body-building and the Japanese martial arts, and his strange, anachronistic political beliefs which resulted in the formation of his own private army. He also examines the close relationship between MishimaLs life and his works, in particular his final long novel,LThe Sea of FertilityL. Ultimately, this book is more than a biography of a novelist. It is a unique study of post-Hiroshima Japan ; of the Japanese literary world ; of extreme right-wing ideologies, and of the remaining traces of Emperor worship -all of which are reflected in the life of Mishima. The volume is illustrated with a series of extraordinary photographs. 2.Henry Scott Stokes, who knew Mishima in the last years of his life, is a British financial journalist and media consultant. He is well known for his contribution to the New York Times, The Economist and several Japanese financial publications. He is the author of LA Hundred Samurai Companies [1999]L.)


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