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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/29 01:16:31 JSTLastUpdate:2023/10/26 00:28:19 JST
TITULO The Japanese Discovery of Europe, 1720`1830 ()
AUTOR Donald Keene
EDITORIAL Stanford University Press
ISBN ----- (L.C.69-13180)
NOTA ()LHA-0142L es mismo libro.^@Originally published in 1952, this account of the growth and uses of Western learning in Japan has been enlarged by two new chapters that extend the story from 1798 to 1830. The author has incorporated the results of recent research by scholars in Japan and the West and made corrections in the text. There are fifteen illustrations, most of which are new.^@CONTENTS^@1.The Dutch in Japan@2.The Rise of Barbarian Learning@3.Strange Tales from Muscovy@4.The Call of the West@5.Honda ToshiakiLs Economic Theories@6.Explorers of the North@7.Hirata Atsutane and Western Learning)


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