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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page Print Page
Created: 2010/09/01 02:30:48 JSTLastUpdate:2021/02/25 23:16:00 JST
TITULO Japanese Prints (From the Early Masters to the Modern) (š)
AUTOR James A. Michener
ISBN 59-10410 (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number)
NOTA (š)(In James A. Michener the Japanese print has found its ideal commentator. Combining the finished literary style of an outstanding novelist with a mature knowledge of his subject, he is able to bring this great art form to life in words, directly communicating his understanding, love, and enthusiasm rather than obscuring his subject in pedantry. In fact, it might almost be said that he here lets the prints speak for themselves, in a wealth of magnificent illustrations and apt but unobtrusive commentary. It is only when one has finished the book that he realizes he has been conducted on a tour of three centuries of art, a tour so carefully arranged as to give a deep understanding of the history and aesthetics of Japanese prints, a new appreciation of a superlative art.^@The book has many other unique features. So far as consonant with his aim of presenting a full survey, Mr. Michener has illustrated the book with lesser-known masterpieces rather than with those few prints that have been reproduced almost ad nauseam. Unlike earlier books, this does not stop with the past century, but brings the subject completely up to date, introducing, in the modern Japanese print, some of the most exciting art being created in Japan --and in the world-- today. The book also becomes a revealing account of the collecting of Japanese prints, with many valuable hints to collectors based upon the authorLs own experiences in gathering together one of the best print collections of recent years : it is a collecting field in which many hints are needed, with prices varying from $5 to $5,000 per print, and with forgeries and doubtful attributions on every hand.^@The final section of the book contains authoritative notes concerning each print, prepared by Richard Lane. In Mr. MichenerLs words, Dr. Lane Lwith his meticulous knowledge of Japanese and his love for ukiyo-e seems certain to become AmericaLs equivalent of the great German scholar Fritz Rumpf.L^@It is appropriate that such a book should have been produced in Japan, and with the unstinting support of the Honolulu Academy of Arts --the increasingly important museum at the Lcrossroads of the PacificL-- where Mr. MichenerLs collection is presently housed. No effort has been spared, especially in the faithfulness of the reproductions, to make it a worthy example of the high standards of modern Japanese bookmaking, drawing upon the same traditions of painstaking craftsmanship that produced the Japanese print.^@ŸJames A. Michener, perhaps more widely known as the author of such best-selling fiction as LTales of the South PacificL, LSayonaraL, and LThe Bridges at Toko-riL, is also distinguished for his keen interest in the Far East in general and Japanese prints in particular. In LThe Floating World (Random House, 1954)L he presented the story of Japanese prints at length in one of the most informative and popular books ever written on the subject, and in LThe Hokusai Sketchbooks : Selections from the LMangaL (Tuttle, 1958)L he further reinforced his position as a leading critic in the field by a detailed examination of one of the greatest print series ever issued. He has also assembled an outstanding print collection and is the friend and patron of many of the leading Japanese print artists today. The present book, based directly upon his earlier work and his wide collecting experience, becomes, then, his mature summation of the subject.^@Mr. Michener presently divides his residence between Honolulu and Bucks County, Pennsylvania, when he is not on one of his frequent trips to the Orient or other far places. His new novel, LHawaiiL, is described as the spiritual history of the islands.)


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