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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/05 02:54:50 JSTLastUpdate:2018/10/13 05:34:53 JST
TITULO (*) N : Japanese Arts and the Tea Ceremony ()
AUTOR Tatsusaburo Hayashiya, etc.
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-1025-5
NOTA (*)The Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art ()(Nowhere else in the world is tea drunk with as great a sense of austerity and aesthetic refinement as in the Japanese tea ceremony. Nor does the drinking of any other tea bear the same vital relationship to oneLs philosophy of life. Because of its emphasis on such concepts as harmony, respect, purity, tranquility, and, above all, the more basic concept of elegant simplicity, the tea ceremony has for centuries been considered the epitome of Japanese life. At the same time it can be regarded as the epitome of Japanese art, for the tea masters have been no less influential among Japanese artists with respect to perceiving the essence of beauty than have the Zen Buddhist priests with respect to attaining spiritual enlightenment. It is small wonder, then, that the influence of the tea ceremony should be reflected in the traditional arts of Japan. To study the construction of the tearoom, for example, is to study Japanese architecture ; to study the tea garden is to study Japanese garden art ; to study the tea bowl is to study Japanese ceramics. In a word, a whole world of art has grown up around the cult of tea. It is the purpose of the present book to reveal this world to the Western reader and to acquaint him with its special beauty. The pleasantly informative text, accompanied by a generous selection of 36 illustrations in full color and 182 in black and white, traces the history of the tea-ceremony arts from their medieval origins down to modern times. Outstanding tea masters, tea architecture, tea utensils -all these are presented here along with a wealth of detail concerning such matters as the design and function of the tea garden and of the tearoom itself. The book is indeed an illuminating introduction to Japanese art in one of its most fascinating forms.)


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