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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/05 02:59:54 JSTLastUpdate:2019/07/15 02:18:17 JST
TITULO Edo Painting : Sotatsu and Korin (No.18)(š)
AUTOR Hiroshi Mizuo
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-1011-5
NOTA (š)(Japanese painting in the Edo period [1603-1868], the concluding centuries of JapanLs feudal age, embraced a wide variety of genres, but nowhere did it achieve greater brilliance than in the work of such masters of the decorative style as Tawaraya Sotatsu and Ogata Korin. Next to the woodblock prints of the period, it is the creations of the Edo decorative painters that are most familiar to the West, particularly such magnificent screen paintings as SotatsuLs LGod of Wind and God of ThunderL and KorinLs LIrisesL. It is characteristic of this style of painting that it gave precedence to original and striking design and that its media of expression included not only the folding screen but also various forms of scrolls, ornamental sliding doors, lacquerware, and ceramics. Even today, after the lapse of some two or three centuries since the most outstanding of JapanLs decorative painters lived and worked, there is an astonishing freshness and a dramatic boldness of design in the legacy of treasures they left for later ages. This engaging book, generously illustrated with 39 photographs in full color and 130 in black and white, devotes itself chiefly to the four artists whose work represents the decorative painting of the Edo period at its finest : Hon-ami Koetsu, who invested Japanese art with new and forceful concepts of design ; Tawaraya Sotatsu and Ogata Korin, who were inspired by these concepts to reach unparalleled levels of attainment in vigorous and colorful composition ; and Ogata Kenzan, who carried the concepts over into the art of ceramics with no less exciting effect. The book is indeed a pageant of elegance and superb taste from an age in which Japanese art reached new heights of sophistication, and its pleasantly informative text enhances the readerLs pleasure in the presentation.@ŸHiroshi Mizuo is widely recognized in Japan as an outstanding art historian and critic. He is a poet and a playwright as well. His published works in his native language include a history of Japanese art, a book on Oriental art in general, another on Japanese folk art, and a book on design that received the Mainichi Newspaper Award for Cultural Publications. Mr. Mizuo presently serves as a professor of Japanese art history at the Musashino University of Arts in Tokyo.)


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