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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/06 00:34:15 JSTLastUpdate:2018/12/06 22:35:52 JST
TITULO Japanese Painting in the Literati Style (No.23) ()
AUTOR Yoshiho Yonezawa and Chu Yoshizawa
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-1019-0
NOTA ()(The eighteenth- and nineteenth-century artists who created the literati painting of Japan took their inspiration from the scholar-painters of China but, in typical Japanese fashion, transmuted what they had learned from Chinese painting into a new and distinctive form of art. Their work is characterized by poetic sentiment, a rather impressionistic technique, and a clearly revealed love of nature and of man. At the same time, by painting in a strongly individualistic style, they expressed their opposition to the academic styles favored by the authoritarian feudal government. In a word, they were anti-establishment painters who constructed an ideal art world of their own. Among them were such masters as Taiga and Buson, who represent the peak of achievement in the literati style. There were also such pioneers as Nankai and Kien --men whose intellectual and artistic integrity brought them into conflict with the severe restrictions imposed by the feudal order. Through the efforts of these artists and many others of great talent, Japanese painting found yet another form of expression at this stage of its long and distinguished tradition. This book, generously illustrated with 31 reproductions in full color and 155 in black and white, is the first in a Western language to cover the entire range of Japanese literati painting : its history, its relationship with the literati painting of China, its theories and ideals, its subject matter and techniques, and its outstanding artists. The text, by giving a broad measure of attention to Chinese literati painting, furnishes the basis for a clear understanding and an appreciation of the Japanese version of this eminently appealing art. In addition to the large number of Japanese masterpieces illustrated, there is a selection of Chinese paintings in which the reader can discern the influences that found their way to Japan in the age of the literati painters. Yoshiho Yonezawa [b. 1903] graduated from the University of Tokyo, is a professor emeritus of that university, and presently teaches at the Musashino University of Arts in Tokyo. He is a widely recognized authority on Chinese painting and the history of Chinese art. Chu Yonezawa [b. 1909] is also a graduate of the University of Tokyo and now serves as a professor at the Tokyo University of Arts. His special field is Japanese literati painting, and his numerous books on the subject include studies of the famous artists Taiga and Kazan.)


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