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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/06 00:39:26 JSTLastUpdate:2018/10/25 01:02:28 JST
TITULO Modern Currents in Japanese Art (No.24) (š)
AUTOR Michiaki Kawakita
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-1028-X
NOTA (š)(1.In the story of world history, the social, political, and economic development of Japan since the beginning of its modern age in 1868 has been a spectacular episode. That a small insular country in the Far East managed in such a short time to break through the confines of traditional Oriental culture and, with liberal infusions of Occidental elements, to transform itself into a highly industrialized and sophisticated modern nation remains even now a source of astonishment to the world. That Japanese art also underwent a transformation during this time should come as no surprise, but the results of that transformation are still too little known in the West, where the traditional art of Japan is considered more familiar. The present enlightening book, written by one of JapanLs leading authorities on the subject and generously furnished with 32 illustrations in full color and 114 in black and white, opens for Western readers the rich treasury of modern Japanese art --the art created during the eventful century that has passed since Japan emerged from isolation to join the world community. Here, in a fascinating blend of East and West, are works of painting, sculpture, ceramics, and architecture that stand as landmarks among the artistic achievements of a new age. Here, too, are the artists themselves --men and women who accepted the challenge of their time and played their own significant roles in the modernization of Japan. And here, as well, are countless illuminating sidelights on the cultural environment in which these artists worked. The book is indeed a portrait of a lively and venturesome period in the long and brilliant history of Japanese art. 2.Michiaki Kawakita [b.1914] graduated from the University of Kyoto in 1938. After a period of service with the Tokyo Cultural Properties Reserch Institute, he joined the staff of the Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, becoming vice-director of the museum in 1963. At present he serves as the director of the Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art. He is the author of numerous works in his field, including, in English,LModern Japanese Painting [1957]L,LIntroduction to Japanese Art [1963]L, and LContemporary Japanese Prints [1967]L.)


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