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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/06 02:17:07 JSTLastUpdate:2019/06/01 12:10:29 JST
TITULO Japanese Costume and Textile Arts (No.16)()
AUTOR Seiroku Noma
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-1026-3
NOTA ()(1.Japanese costume enjoys a just reputation for the beauty of its textile designs, ranging from the most gorgeous embroidered patterns using gold and silver threads to the simplest designs depending for their beauty on subtle nuances of texture and color. This informative book, with 43 illustrations in full color and 149 in black and white, describes the development of Japanese textile art in relation to the social background of the times -a development due mainly to the efforts of anonymous craftsmen but benefiting also from the contributions of such famous artists as the seventeenth-century decorative painter Korin. The text deals principally with two artistically outstanding forerunners of the modern kimono : theLkosodeLand the costumes of the Noh theater. For those who admire the elegant beauty and the endless ingenuity of Japanese costume and textile designs, as well as for those who wish to acquaint themselves with yet another aspect of Japanese artistic achievement, the book is indeed a revealing one. One of its most interesting expositions concerns the major change that took place in Japanese styles of dress in the second half of the fifteenth century: the change whereby the earlier outer garments of the upper classes, with wide sleeve openings, came to be replaced by the undergarment with narrow sleeve openings, or LkosodeL, which then went on to become ever more lavish in its decoration as new techniques were developed. How this change is reflected in the traditional costumes of the Noh drama is yet another absorbing phase of the story. Not only examples of costume art but also types of textiles, decorating techniques, and designs- all these are discussed here in a book of scholarly excellence and fascinating interest.)


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