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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/08 00:14:49 JSTLastUpdate:2020/05/03 04:38:57 JST
TITULO Kabuki (A Pocket Guide) ()
AUTOR Ronald Cavaye
ISBN 0-8048-1730-8
NOTA ()(Concise enough to take to performances, this pocket guide to Kabuki provides a wealth of fascinating information about the plays, the actors, and their history. As only an insider can do, the author takes us behind the scenes to meet the actors, to attend rehearsals, and to get a firsthand look at the makeup, costumes, sets, and props that go into a Kabuki performance. Ronald Cavaye has worked since 1981 as a narrator and commentator for the English-language Earphone Guide service at TokyoLs Kabuki-za. Mr. Cavaye, a concert pianist, now lives in London and visits Japan twice a year for concerts and to work at the Kabuki-za.@CONTENTS : CHAPTER 1.Kabuki --400 Years of History, 2.Kabuki and Its Theater, 3.The Plays, 4.The Roles of the Actors, 5.Stylized Acting, 6.Music, 7.Costumes, Wigs, and Makeup, 8.Sets and Props, 9.The Actors, 10.The Audience, 11.Backstage, 12.At a Rehearsal, 13.At a Performance, 14.Where to See Kabuki)


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