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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/08 04:04:27 JSTLastUpdate:2020/05/01 02:53:47 JST
TITULO The Kabuki Handbook (š)
AUTOR Aubrey S. Halford & Giovanna M. Halford
ISBN 0-8048-0332-3
NOTA (š)(LTO-0037Les mismo libro.)(Kabuki has been described as Lin the main, the finest theatre art in the worldL, and its ever-growing popularity both in Japan and abroad bears witness to its tremendous dramatic effectiveness. The fact that many persons tend to regard it as mere spectacle, thus missing the greater part of its moving appeal, has been due to the lack of any key to the intricacies of its plots and its unfamiliar stage conventions. Here at last is a genuine key, one which opens wide vistas of understanding and appreciation. Included here are lucid synopses and crystal-clear explanations of the hundred-odd plays which form the backbone of the classical Kabuki repertoire and constitute over twice that many individual programme items. Equally as valuable as the synopses are the informative and entertaining Notes explaining the many points that have proved perplexing to the non-Japanese spectator. Both synopses and notes are provided with a careful system of cross references and an indispensable index, all making for ready use and saving the spectator from Ldwelling so much on some minor, but incomprehensible, point that the thread of the drama is lost.L Kabuki is drama --drama par excellence-- and now, thanks to this invaluable handbook, may at last be enjoyed as such. The authors have well fulfilled their aim of allowing the playgoer to concentrate on the performance and appreciate both the Kabuki actorLs amazing virtuosity and the unique art of the Kabuki theatre.@ŸAbout the Authors : English by birth, Mr. and Mrs. Halford are truly international in their deep interest in the theatre, as the present labour of love on behalf of the Kabuki shows. Mrs. Halford was born in Italy of a family of English artists and actors and is a cousin of Sir Laurence OlivierLs. Mr. Halford was active in dramatics during his undergraduate days at Magdelen College, Oxford. Although the theatre is now only a hobby with them, to be undertaken in the midst of wide travels on official duties, they have taken an active part in amateur dramatics at each of their posts --Baghdad, Rome, Tokyo, and now Tripoli-- whether as directors, producers, designers, or actors. LThe Kabuki HandbookL is the outcome of the keen interest they took in Kabuki during their recent tour of duty in Tokyo --and of the considerable study they gave it. During the same period Mrs. Halford also found time to study the art of making miniature trees under one of the Japanese masters and to write with him a most practical book on the subject, to be published in the near future.)


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