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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/08 04:23:00 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/06 03:42:44 JST
TITULO The Musical Structure of Noo (š)
AUTOR Akira Tamba
EDITORIAL Tokai University Press
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(LTO-0022Les mismo libro.)(LThe Musical Structure of NooL is the first work consecrated solely to the music of the Noo theater. This dramatic art form, as we know, allies music and dance with literary and dramatic elements. Curiously, the study of Noo music has been neglected until now, and A. TambaLs book reveals its importance and particularities. The importance of the musical element stems from its structural role : it is the music which determines the composition of all Noo pieces, conforming to the esthetic principal of progressive evolution (Jo-ha-kyuu). As to the characteristics of this music, they can be explained by two essential features : first by the use of fluctuating elements and secondly by the compositional system of musical cells. Noo music, in fact, ignores the fixed pitch and measured rhythm which characterizes occidental harmonic music. However, nothing is left to improvisation ; the cell, minimal unit in the composition, permits the establishment of a fluctuating structure founded on principals that are psycho-physiologic rather than intellectual. A certain margin of free expression is allowed the performers as long as the archetypical cell remains recognizable. One can appreciate the interest that such a system of composition represents, responding as it does to todayLs composers who wish to integrate indeterminate elements within a limited structure. But musicologists, psychologists, and in fact all those interested in psycho-physiologic phenomena intervening in manLs esthetic creation, will find pleasure and profit in reading this work.)


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