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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/13 00:49:16 JSTLastUpdate:2018/11/26 01:58:56 JST
TITULO Japanese Religion (A Survey by the Agency for Cultural Affairs) (š)
AUTOR -----
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 0-87011-183-3
NOTA (š)(This book consists of a description of the religions of Japan, a survey of the major religious organizations with particular reference to their present circumstances, and a presentation of statistical and other essential data. It is frequently said that in order to comprehend a peopleLs values and ways of thinking, one must first understand their religion. The hope behind the preparation and publication of the present volume is that it will prove useful not only to those who are particularly interested in the study of Japanese religions but also to those who wish to learn more about Japan and her people. With the same objective in mind, the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Education in Japan earlier published an English language book entitled LReligions in Japan [1959 ; second edition, 1963].L The publication of the present volume is based on more recent data and on completely new manuscripts. The material contained in this book falls into three parts. Part I, prepared by some of the rising younger scholars of JapanLs religions, consists of interpretative descriptions of Shinto, Buddhism, Christianity, the new religions, and other religious phenomena ; Part II focuses on the present situation of JapanLs religious organizations ; and Part III presents the most recent statistical data as well as other information relevant to their comprehension. In all, the book provides the clearest and most factual introduction to Japanese religion yet written.)


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