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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/13 02:02:08 JSTLastUpdate:2020/07/01 22:18:50 JST
TITULO The Essence of Zen (Dharma Talks Given In Europe and America) (š)
AUTOR Sekkei Harada (translated by Daigaku Rumme)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2199-2
NOTA (š)(ŒŽ‘è : ‘T¥ƒ_ƒ‹ƒ}‚ª¢ŠE‚ð‹ì‚¯‚é)(Zen is often considered difficult. This is a serious misunderstanding, says Sekkei Harada, a Teaching Master from Hosshin-ji, a Zen temple in central Japan. In this collection of talks on Zen that were given in the United States and Germany, Harada sets out to explain, in plain and lucid language, the concepts of Buddhism and the principles of Zen. Open the book to any section and the underlying message of the masterLs teaching is quickly apparent. In order to attain true peace of mind, it is imperative that we forget the small self --the grasping, demanding LmeL. This is by no means easy, but if we succeed, we will realize the true Self-- the Self without beginning or end, which transcends time and space and is one with all things. HaradaLs message is timely as well as important to people living in this present world of chaos and conflict. In addition to explaining the principles of Zen, the book includes detailed instructions on the practice of zazen, or Lsitting Zen.L This is especially useful to those who have an intellectual understanding of Zen but have never actually practiced zazen. At the same time, for those who have been practicing zazen but still feel something is missing, the author offers advice and encouragement. To those who have attained a measure of comfort and ease but still wonder if they can attain Lthe culmination of totally realized enlightenment,L Harada emphatically confirms that it is possible. In short, this is a book for all people --regardless of age, experience, gender, race, or creed-- who desire to know their true Self.@ŸSekkei Harada is the present abbot of Hosshin-ji, a Zen temple in Fukui Prefecture, near the Japan Sea coast of central Japan. He was born in 1926 in Okazaki, near Nagoya, and was ordained at Hosshin-ji in 1951. In 1953, he went to Hamamatsu to practice under Zen Master Gien Inoue, and achieved his Linkashomei (certification of realization)L in 1957. In 1974, he was installed as head priest and abbot of Hosshin-ji and was formally recognized by the Soto Zen sect as a Teaching Master (shike) in 1976. Since 1982, Harada has traveled abroad frequently, teaching in such countries as Germany, the United States, and India. He also leads several zazen groups within Japan, in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Shizuoka, and Kobe. Daigaku Rumme was born in 1950 in Mason City, Iowa, U.S.A. In 1976, he entered Hosshin-ji as a layman and was ordained by Harada Roshi in 1978. Since then, he has been living and practicing at Hosshin-ji. On several occasions he has accompanied Harada on his visits to Europe, India, and the United States, acting as his interpreter.)


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