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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/13 09:42:15 JSTLastUpdate:2018/09/17 01:24:54 JST
TITULO A Diplomat in Japan (š)
AUTOR Sir Ernest Satow
ISBN 4-925080-28-8
NOTA (š)(1.Japan had opened its country to the Western world in 1854, and had seen the outbreak of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Satow was indeed near the center of these events, and knew or met all of the key figures in pre-Restoration and Restoration Japan. He said : LIt was one of those brilliant days that are so characteristic of Japan, and as we made our way up the Bay of Yedo, I thought no scenery in the world could surpass it. Irregular-shaped hills, covered with dark-green trees, lined the whole southern coast, and above them rose into the air for 12,000 feet and more the magnificent cone of Fuji, with scarcely a patch of snow visible...L 2.Sir Ernest Mason Satow was born in Clapton, the suburbs of northeast London, in 1843. At the age of seventeen, he had read a book and became interested in Japan, and through the language studies and examination of the Foreign Office, he was appointed a Japanese interpreter from the Office. Finally, on 8 September 1862 he arrived in Yokohama and set foot on Japanese soil for the first time. As a secretary of the British Legation in Tokyo, he had worked for 21 years, during which time he also studied the language, history, religion and customs of Japan. Thereafter Satow attained the posts of Minister to Siam, Uruguay, Morocco, Japan and China, and died aged 86 on 26 August 1929 in England.)


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