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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/18 23:54:02 JSTLastUpdate:2018/09/24 01:56:34 JST
TITULO The Imperial House of Japan ()
AUTOR The Late Richard Ponsonby Fane
EDITORIAL The Ponsonby Memorial Society
ISBN -----
NOTA ()(This book, which might be regarded as the LMagnum OpusL of the late Dr. Richard Ponsonby Fane [1878-1937], an English Japanologist, who devoted about twenty years to the study of Japan, exclusively on subjects connected with the Imperial House of Japan, Shinto and shrines, gives a full account of the history and vicissitudes of the Imperial House of Japan from the first Earthly Sovereign Jimmu to Taisho, father of the Reigning Emperor, with special reference to the sad lives of the six Exiled and two Deposed Emperors, Abdication in Japan, Imperial Consorts in Japan, Enthronement Ceremonies and Imperial Mausolea of Japan, profusely illustrated with excellent period photographs of Emperors, ex-Emperors, cloistered Emperors, Imperial Consorts and their writings and paintings.)


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