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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/19 00:11:03 JSTLastUpdate:2023/06/04 03:55:35 JST
TITULO The Twelve Men Who Made Japan (日本を創った12人、対訳) (★)
AUTOR Sakaiya Taichi
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-4002-4
NOTA (★)(▼目次/ ●まえがき ●第1章 聖徳太子〜「神・仏・儒習合思想」の発案/日本人の宗教観の「元祖」/「始代」から「古代」への転換期/仏教公認をめぐる対立/天皇家・蘇我氏の「連立政権」/世界唯一の「習合思想」を発案/「ええとこどり」の気風/「職縁社会」の源流/ ●第2章 光源氏〜「上品な政治家」の原型/「光源氏」は実在したか/平安貴族の代表例/貴族政治家の仕事/「上品」という概念の原点/「光源氏」型政治家の登場/「集団主義」と称する無指導/「ノーブル」と「上品」の大きな違い/「日本的上品」の通用しない現代/ ●第3章 源頼朝〜「二重権限構造」の発明/前例のない「けったいな政権」/頼朝の登場/軍司令官に過ぎない征夷大将軍/建前の律令制、本音の幕府/「実権は下にある」伝統のはじまり/大権力者・北条政子の誕生/「令外官」を生んだ二重構造/ ●第4章 織田信長〜「否定された日本史」の英雄/大技術革新時代の戦国/大うつけの尾張統一/奇襲ではなかった桶狭間/時代を体現した「兵農分離」/新機軸は「卑怯」/経済を変えた「楽市楽座」/組織の変革〜専門兵科の登場/「天下布武」と国家意識/ ●第5章 石田三成〜「日本型プロジェクト」の創造/中堅官僚プロジェクトの元祖/運の悪さと戦下手/五奉行と五大老/「巨いなる企て」/三成プロジェクトの手法/「総大将・毛利輝元」で家康に対抗/愚演に終わった名脚本/ ●第6章 徳川家康〜「成長志向気質」からの転換/「人質」から「大御所」へ/首都機能・江戸の創設/「律儀」と「辛抱」の哲学/「お上意識」の普及と封建的秩序/人間性の評価基準としての家康/「成長志向」から「安定志向」へ/「対外不信」の島国根性の形成/ ●第7章 石田梅岩〜「勤勉と倹約」の庶民哲学/石門心学の始祖/武士社会はゼロサム社会/元祖バブル景気/現在に通じる吉宗時代の世情/勤勉に働くことは人生修行/勤勉と清貧のジレンマ/商慣習となった細部主義/「贅沢は敵」の思想/石門心学がもたらした「ちゃんとイズム」/ ●第8章 大久保利通〜「官僚制度」の創建/官僚主義の源流/権謀術数で反対派を分離/外国に蔑まれない国を/ドイツ帝国に学んだ国内体制づくり/内務卿として国政全般を執り仕切る/大久保の死後に強化された官僚制度/ドイツ型官僚制度の欠陥/現在の桎梏を招く/ ●第9章 渋沢栄一〜「日本的資本主義」の創始/「財界」を創った男/まずは金融制度を創る/日本的協調主義の生みの親/対照としての岩崎弥太郎/渋沢vs岩崎の直接対決/雇われ経営者の「財界」/合本主義の欠点/日本式出世階段/渋沢型からの脱却の時機/「論語」的発想の限界/ ●第10章 マッカーサー〜日本を「理想のアメリカ」にする試行/ウェストポイントを首席で卒業/フィリピン奪回から日本占領へ/「理想のアメリカ」をお手本に/「極東のスイスであれ」/平等と安全重視の倫理を注入/投票制民主主義と地方自治の空洞化/新たな官僚主導を創った「55年体制」/家族制度崩壊の原因をつくる/倫理と美意識の改革/物量崇拝と数字信仰を生んだ精神性の否定/ ●第11章 池田勇人〜経済大国の実現/出世遅れの大蔵官僚/GNP信仰のはじまり/「神武以来の好景気」に助けられる/「貧乏人は麦を食え」の真意/国民の目を「豊かなアメリカ」に/地域の発展はまず工場から/人間の規格化と人口の都市集中/官僚主導体制の強化/集金ルートを確保した宏池会の強み/ ●第12章 松下幸之助〜日本式経営と哲学の創出/電気との出会い/強力な販売網で「松下イズム」を普及/「国民的英雄」になった実業家/技術者の本田、経営者の松下/PHP運動の発案と実施/立身出世志向の促進/「会社人間」の「職縁社会」を生む/経営者は´´偉い´´との錯覚を招く/偉人の影響を乗り越える時/ ▼CONTENTS/ ■INTRODUCTION/ ●PART 1 : PRINCE SHOOTOKU --BLENDING SHINTO, BUDDHISM, AND CONFUCIANISM/Founding Father of the Japanese Religious Outlook/From Primitive Times to ´Ancient´ Times/The Adoption of Buddhism Causes Conflict/The Coalition Government of the Imperial Family and the Soga Family/The World´s One-and-Only Blended Philosophy/Pick´n´Mix as a National Trait/The Origins of the Work-focused Society/ ●PART 2 : HIKARU GENJI --THE ARCHETYPE OF THE REFINED POLITICIAN/Hikaru Genji --Fact or Fiction?/A Typical Heian-Period Aristocrat/The Work of an Aristocratic Politician/Origins of the Idea of Refinement/Clone Genji Politicians/Group mentality is another name for lack of leadership/The big difference between noble and refined/Japanese refinement is an irrelevance/ ●PART 3 : MINAMOTO NO YORITOMO --INVENTING A TWO-TIER SYSTEM OF POWER/The ´Portable Government´ revolution/Enter Minamoto/´Generalissimo for the subjugation of barbarians´/Real Shogunate behind a Ritsuryoo facade/Real power is below the surface/The power of Hoojoo Masako/The two-tier structure and non-official officials/ ●PART 4 : ODA NOBUNAGA --HERO OF THE HISTORY THAT NEVER WAS/The warring states period--an age of technical innovation/The blockhead who united Owari province/Okehazama was no surprise attack/The division of soldier and farmer reflects the spirit of the age/Cutting-edge cowardice/Free markets and open guilds change the economy/Organizational revolution : paid professional soldiers/´Tenkafubu´ and national identity/ ●PART 5 : ISHIDA MITSUNARI --THE ORIGIN OF THE JAPANESE GRAND PROJECT/The mid-level official as project manager/Bad luck and poor fighting/The five commissioners and the five great elders/A great undertaking/The execution of the project/Fighting Ieyasu with Moori Terumoto in command/A great script wrecked by bad acting/ ●PART 6 : TOKUGAWA IEYASU --THE SWITCH FROM GROWTH-ORIENTATION/From hostage to tycoon/Establishing Edo as the capital/A philosophy of conscientiousness and patience/Class consciousness and feudal order/Ieyasu : a yardstick of humanity/From growth to stability/An insular spirit and distrust of outsiders/ ●PART 7 : ISHIDA BAIGAN --DILIGENCE AND THRIFT : A PHILOSOPHY FOR THE PEOPLE/The father of Sekimon Shingaku/Samurai society is a zero-sum game/The Genroku economic bubble/The Yoshimune period as a mirror of today/Working hard is training for life/The hard work/noble poverty dilemma/Obsession with details becomes standard business practice/Luxury is the enemy/Sekimon Shingaku and the ´just so´ mentality/ ●PART 8 : OOKUBO TOSHIMICHI --CREATING THE BUREAUCRATIC SYSTEM/The origins of bureaucratic control/Demolishing the enemy faction by scheming and trickery/A country that foreigners will not despise/Domestic systems from the German Reich/The Home Minister has complete domestic control/The bureaucratic system grows stronger after Ookubo´s death/The failings of German-style bureaucracy/Forging the fetters of the present day/ ●PART 9 : SHIBUSAWA EIICHI --THE GENESIS OF JAPANESE-STYLE CAPITALISM/The creator of the business world/Setting up a financial system/Father of Japanese-style cooperationism/Iwasaki Yataroo --a rough diamond by contrast/Shibusawa and Iwasaki clash head-on/A business world populated by hired managers/Failings of ´gapponshugi´ collectivism/The ladder of Japanese promotion/A chance to break away from the Shibusawa model/Confucius hits the ceiling/ ●PART 10 : GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR --MAKING JAPAN INTO AN IDEALIZED AMERICA/Top of his class at West Point/Wresting back the Philippines and occupying Japan/An idealized America as the model/The Switzerland of the Far East/An injection of ethics : equality and security/Elective democracy and the hollowing-out of local government/The ´1955 System´ and the leadership of the bureaucracy/The cause of the collapse of the family system/Changes in ethics and the sense of propriety/Repudiation of spirituality leads to a worship of material plenty and blind faith in numbers/ ●PART 11 : IKEDA HAYATO --CREATING AN ECONOMIC SUPERPOWER/Late-flowering official of the Ministry of Finance/GNP as a religion/The biggest boom since Emperor Jimmu helps things along/The real meaning of ´Let the poor eat barley´/Looking up to ´rich America´/Local development must start with a factory/The standardization of people and urban concentration/Strengthening of the bureaucratic control system/The Koochikai Group and securing fund-raising channels/ ●PART 12 : MATSUSHITA KOONOSUKE --THE CREATION OF JAPANESE-STYLE MANAGEMENT AND PHILOSOPHY/Encounter with electricity/Spreading ´the Matsushita way´ through a distributor network/An entrepreneur who became a popular hero/Honda the technician and Matsushita the manager/The conception and implementation of PHP/His success story popularizes ´can-do´ philosophy/Company man and the work-focused society/The mistaken belief that managers are ´great´ men/Overcoming the influence of ´great´ men)


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