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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/05/24 08:54:26 JSTLastUpdate:2021/01/27 00:41:41 JST
TITULO Japanese Beyond Words (How to Walk and Talk Like a Native Speaker) (š)
AUTOR Andrew Horvat
EDITORIAL Stone Bridge Press
ISBN 1-880656-42-6
NOTA (š)(Learning Japanese is a challenge. And, as many students find out, memorizing sentence patterns, vocabulary, and lists of kanji characters doesnLt necessarily make it easy to communicate with Japanese people. Barriers of culture and social etiquette can be just as difficult to overcome as problems of grammar.^@Until now, these aspects of learning to communicate with a new culture could only be learned first-hand by trial and error. LJapanese Beyond WordsL was written to fill this gap, to give you the tools you need to effectively communicate in Japanese, with the Japanese. If you want to become truly competent in Japanese, you will need to know about :@what your clothes say about you^@business cards, and why you should be nice to them^@when and how to bow^@shoes : theyLre on, theyLre off, theyLre on, theyLre off^@whatLs expected of foreigners (that means you)^@circumlocution without dizziness^@pronunciation (Lread my lipsL just doesnLt cut it)^@how to say no without saying LnoL^@social uses of politeness ... and rudeness^@behavior at parties and other social gatherings^@English in Japanese, and Japanese in English^@the differences between men and women (you donLt know as much as you think)^@Long-time Japan resident Andrew Horvat presents these and many, many more topics through a wealth of experience, research, and anecdote. Entertaining and opinionated, as well as educational, LJapanese Beyond WordsL will help you walk, talk, slurp, and bow your way to cultural (as well as linguistic) fluency in Japanese.^@ŸA Tokyo-based writer and broadcaster for many years, Andrew Horvat has been a fellow at the National Foreign Language Center in Washington, D.C. (1997), at Stanford UniversityLs Center for East Asian Studies (1994/95), and at Simon Fraser UniversityLs David Lam Centre for International Communication (1990). His research into the increased international use of the Japanese language was supported in 1994/95 by the Abe Shintaro Fund. He is a member of the Japan FoundationLs advisory committee on the teaching of Japanese as a second language.^)


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