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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/09/21 01:31:21 JSTLastUpdate:2024/04/18 02:34:29 JST
TITULO The Essence of Japanese Cuisine (š)
AUTOR Michael Ashkenazi and Jeanne Jacob
ISBN 0-7007-1085-X
NOTA (š)(An Essay on Food and Culture^@In recent years there has been growing interest in cooking and food as a result of international food issues, world trade and mass foreign travel ; at the same time, interest in Japan has also been growing. This volume brings together these two areas of interest, examining both from a number of perspectives. The authors reflect on the social and cultural sides of Japanese food and on the ways in which Japanese culture has been affected by food. Providing the reader with the historical and social bases to understand how Japanese cuisine has been and is being shaped, this book assumes minimal familiarity with Japanese society and instead explores the country through its cuisine.^@LLThe Essence of Japanese CuisineLL examines the nature of Japanese food and its place in Japanese culture. Throughout the book, emphasis is laid on relating Japanese food preparation and consumption to other aspects of Japanese life. The book includes detailed descriptions of meals in varied settings and relates these to their aesthetic, material, social and historical contexts. The book is based on extensive field work conducted by the authors and draws on sources as diverse as contemporary advertising and classical writings and paintings.^@The book begins with a description of the theoretical and material background for the analysis of Japanese cuisine and examines the overall effects of geography, climate and historical events on the foods the Japanese eat. The central chapters of the book are devoted to a detailed description and analysis of Japanese cuisine -how foods are prepared, how they are consumed- and what part food plays in modern Japanese life. Throughout, the authors have attempted to bring the issues closer to the reader by sharing their own inner experiences and emotions as they observe and consume Japanese foods.^@¥CONTENTS^@œCHAPTER 1 : REDEFINING JAPANESE FOOD^@An Analytical Dimension^Objectives and Methodology^The Questions^The Organisation of the Book^Technical Note : Words, Pronunciation, and Glosses^@œCHAPTER 2 : A FRAMEWORK FOR DISCUSSION^@Food in Historical Theory^Some Points of Agreement^The Utility of the Concept of LRulesL^The Food Event As an Analytical Phenomenon^Change in Foods^Food As an Aesthetic and As Art^Food Culture and Total Culture^A Structured View of Japanese Food^@œCHAPTER 3 : JAPANESE FOOD IN ITS BACKGROUND^@Geography and History^Historical Matrix^Religion^Gaijin at the Gates : External Influences^The Business of Food^The Japanese Household : Where One Eats^LGurumeL : The Rise of Luxury As a Lifesty^From Wild to Natural : The Rise of the Natural Food Movement^Food As a Symbol : LNihonjinL and Other-LRonL^Summary^@œCHAPTER 4 : FOOD EVENTS AND THEIR MEANING^ The Schematic Structure of the Japanese Meal^Central Rice Meals^Peripheral Rice Meals^LOyatsuL : Non-rice Food Events^Summary^@œCHAPTER 5 : FOOD PREPARATION STYLES^@Raw Foods : LNamasumonoL^LNimonoL : LNabemonoL and Entertainment^LAgemonoL : Frying and the Art of Borrowing^LYakimonoL : LTeppanL^LNimonoL : LMen-ruiL^Male and Female in the Food Game^Summary^@œCHAPTER 6 : FOOD LOCI^@The Home^Eating Out^Bar Foods^Geographical Choice and LEsunikkuL Restaurants^Social Correlates of Food Loci^ œCHAPTER 7 : AESTHETICS IN THE WORLD OF JAPANESE FOOD^ Taste : The Physiological Element^Colour and Shape in Utensils^Texture^Influences of Japanese Religion and Philosophy^Artistic Dimensions in Japanese Food^LMoritsukeL : The Uses of Framing and Space^Juxtaposing the Artificial and the Natural^@œCHAPTER 8 : LEARNING THE CULTURAL RULES^@Learning Food As a Child : School Lunch^Learning As an Adult : Social Interaction and Media^The LMeibutsuL Culture^Changing Tastes : The World of Food Fads^Invention and Innovation in the Japanese Kitchen^ œCHAPTER 9 : THE ART OF DINING^ Dining and Ritual in Daily Life^Dining Order : The Japanese Course^The Epitome of Taste : The Tea Ceremony As a Food Event^Sushi^The Rituals of Eating^@œCHAPTER 10 : JAPANLS FOOD CULTURE : DIMENSIONS AND CONTRADICTIONS^@Dimensions in Japanese Food^The Economic World of the Japanese Gourmand^Natural Food and Reviving the Community^Japanese Food and World Food : Japan As a Model^Final Word^ œGLOSSARY OF TERMS)


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