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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/04 00:54:38 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/19 00:05:48 JST
TITULO Elements of Japanese Design (★)
AUTOR Boye Lafayette De Mente
ISBN 0-8048-3749-X
NOTA (★)(Key Terms for Understanding & Using Japan´s Classic Wabi-Sabi-Shibui Concepts)(Japanese design is known throughout the world for its beauty, its simplicity, and its blending of traditional and contemporary effects. This succinct guide describes the influence and importance of 65 key elements that make up Japanese design, detailing their origin --and their impact on fields ranging from architecture and interior design to consumer products and high fashion. /Learn, for example, How the ´wabi sabi´ style that´s so popular today developed from the lifestyle choices made by monks a thousand years ago. And how unexpected influences --like ´tatami (straw mats)´ or ´seijaku (silence)´-- have contributed to contemporary Japanese design. /This book offers new insights into the historical and cultural developments at the roots of this now international aesthetic movement. From ´wa (harmony)´ to ´kaizen (continuous improvement)´, from ´mushin (the empty mind)´ to ´mujo (incompleteness)´, you´ll discover how these elements have combined and evolved into a powerful design paradigm that has changed the way the world looks, thinks, and acts. ◆Boye Lafayette De Mente is an expert on Japan who has studied that country since 1949 as a member of an American intelligence agency, an employee of Japanese companies, and a trade journalist and consultant. He is the author of more than 30 books on Japan, Korea, and China, including ´Business Guide to Japan´ and ´The Japanese Samurai Code´. ▼CONTENTS/ Introduction/Honshitsu / Seizui [本質 / 精髄, The Essence of Japanese Design]/Shizen [自然, Imitating Mother Nature]/Shizenbi [自然美, Nature´s Standard of Beauty]/Wa [和, Harmony in All Things]/Heisei [平静, The Peaceful Mind]/Ki [木, Humility in Wood]/Ishi [石, The Use of Sabi Stones]/Wara / Tatami [藁 / 畳, The Sabi-ness of Straw]/Take [竹, The Incredible Bamboo]/Bukkyo [仏教, The Impact of Buddhism]/Meisho / Deshi [名匠 / 弟子, The Master / Apprentice Approach]/Kaizen [改善, Striving for Perfection]/Kessaku [傑作, Creating Masterpieces]/Kyubo [窮乏, The Poverty Principle]/Sabi [寂, Savoring the ´Rust´ of Age]/Wabi [侘, Desolate Beauty]/Shibui [渋い, Eliminating the Unessential]/Bigaku [美学, The Growth of Aestheticism]/Kukan / Supesu [空間 / スペース, Space Is Not Empty]/Ma [間, Mixing Space and Time]/Mushin [無心, The Power of the Empty Mind]/Muga [無我, Letting ´It´ Do the Designing]/Yuga [優雅, The Elegant Factor]/Mujo [無常, Leaving Things Incomplete]/Kanjo Ni Uttaeru [感情に訴える, Touching the Emotions]/Nikukanteki [肉感的, Arousing Sensual Feelings]/Fukinsei [不均整, Symmetry vs. Asymmetry]/Kanso [簡素, Getting More with Less]/Yugen [幽玄, Building in Mystery and Subtlety]/Kibun [気分, Building in a Mood]/Katachi [形, Making Things Shapely]/Okisa / Saizu [大きさ / サイズ, Size Does Matter]/Kenkyo [謙虚, Striving for Humility]/Makoto [誠, Building Sincerity into Products]/Seijaku [静寂, Designs That Exude Silence]/Miekakure [見え隠れ, The Hidden Attraction]/Myo [妙, The Ultimate Quality of Beauty]/Kawaii [可愛い, The Incredible ´Cute´ Syndrome]/Medatsu [目立つ, Creating Focal Points]/Kebakebashii / Hade [けばけばしい, Avoiding the Gaudy]/Buenryo-na [無遠慮な, Avoiding the Bold and Impudent]/Kazarimono [飾り物, The Spare Use of Ornaments]/Musubi [むすび, Tapping into Creative Energy]/Dairokkan [第六感, Using a Sixth Sense]/Kuwashii [詳しい, Beauty in the Details]/Utsukushisa [美しさ, The Elements of Beauty]/Kanji [漢字, Programming the Hand and Mind]/Tokonoma [床の間, The Common Beauty Altar]/Kisetsu [季節, Keeping in Tune with the Seasons]/Tabemono [食べ物, The Aesthetics of Food]/Washi [和紙, Paper with Character]/Kimono [着物, Dressing Sensually]/Mingeihin [民芸品, Folk Crafts and Culture]/Bonsai [盆栽, Dwarf Tree Culture and Design]/Niwa [庭, Japan´s Zen Gardens]/Hanami [花見, Viewing Blossoms]/Ikebana [生け花, Growing Flowers in a Vase]/Chado / Chanoyu [茶道 / 茶の湯, Following the Way of Tea]/Mono-no-Aware [物の哀れ, Things That Touch the Heart]/Sabishisa [寂しさ, Indulging in Sad Contentment]/Sanmai 三昧[, The Power of Concentration]/Shi [詩, Designing Poetry]/Katana [刀, Swords with Spirit]/Gendai-no Dezain [現代のデザイン, Unfettered Contemporary Design]/Zen [禅, Recognizing Reality]/)


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