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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/04 10:57:44 JSTLastUpdate:2021/02/10 00:49:22 JST
TITULO Blue Bamboo (★)
AUTOR Osamu Dazai
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2610-2
NOTA (★)(trans. by Ralph F. McCarthy)(太宰治ロマネスク短編集/ ´Blue Bamboo´ is a collection of seven short stories by one of Japan´s preeminent postwar writers and prose stylists, Osamu Dazai. Not the typical romantic fantasies so often seen in Japanese writing, filled with water sprites and vengeful ghosts, these stories are a mixture of fantastic allegory, slightly skewed fables, and affecting romantic tales. Revealing the wide range of Dazai´s imaginative powers, they also give a glimpse of his humane and idealistic side./ From the title story, about an impoverished, henpecked scholar who is transformed by the love of a voluptuous bird, to ´The Chrysanthemum Spirit´, about a passionate gardener who meets a brother and sister with extraordinary powers, Dazai creates a world of fantasy and romance that is infused with his own psychological concerns. Many readers may recall the poignancy of Oscar Wilde´s ´The Happy Prince´ or Han Christian Andersen./ The collection is capped by two delightful stories-within-a-story, in which the assorted members of a quirky family compose alternate episodes of a slightly gothic romance with hints of Poe and Saki (in ´On Love and Beauty´) and a wildly elaborate retelling of Rapunzel that is engaging, horrifying, and touching by turns (in ´Lanterns of Romance´)./ All in all, these warm, inventive, and life-affirming stories will strike a deep, satisfying chord in many readers./ ◆Osamu Dazai (1909-48) is generally known for representing the dark years immediately following WWII. Shortly after finishing two of his greatest works, ´The Setting Sun´ and ´No Longer Human´, he succeeded in his third attempt at suicide./ Ralph F. McCarthy is a writer, lyricist, and translator from Michigan and California. Among his translations are another collection of stories by Osamu Dazai, ´Self Portraits´, and ´69´ by Ryu Murakami./ ▼CONTENTS/ ●On Love and Beauty (愛と美について [Ai to bi ni tsuite, 1939])/ ●Cherry Leaves and the Whistler (葉桜と魔笛 [Hazakura to mateki, 1939])/ ●The Chrysanthemum Spirit (清貧譚 [Seihintan, 1941])/ ●The Mermaid and the Samurai (人魚の海 [Ningyo no umi, 1944])/ ●Blue Bamboo (竹青 [Chikusei, 1945])/ ●Romanesque (ロマネスク [Romanesuku, 1934])/ ●Lanterns of Romance (ろまん燈籠 [Roman dooroo, 1940-41])/)


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