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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/18 10:48:13 JSTLastUpdate:2018/12/08 00:58:16 JST
TITULO Netsuke : Familiar & Unfamiliar (š)
AUTOR Raymond Bushell
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-0115-9
NOTA (š)(New Principles for Collecting) (1.In this, his latest and no doubt most eagerly awaited book, Raymond Bushell once again displays his authority and skill as a writer on the endlessly fascinating subject of netsuke. Intended specifically for the collector, whether newcomer or old hand,LNetsuke Familiar and UnfamiliarLbreaks new ground in its candid appraisal of the present state of netsuke collecting and the netsuke market. Of particularly timely value, given the soaring cost of netsuke, are its concrete suggestions for building worthy collections without inordinate expenditures --collections that will be individual in character, will add to the sum of netsuke knowledge, and will express the tastes and interests of the collectors. LWhat I have written here,Lsays Mr. Bushell in his introductory remarks,Lis directed toward collecting effectively, satisfyingly, and economically. It is a series of specific suggestions, policies, and principles, with a backdrop of related observation and comment... Netsuke collecting is still in its infancy. New directions and new goals beckon the individualists among collectors... My purpose is to probe the problem of the increasing cost of collecting netsuke, to seek explanations, and to search for solutions.LMr. BushellLs conviction that it is still possible to collect netsuke without emptying oneLs pocketbook is substantiated by his detailed descriptions of 45 different categories of collections and his in-depth discussion of the criteria for a good collection. The emphasis throughout is on collecting for aesthetic quality without undue regard for pieces that happen to be currently popular, or have distinguished provenance, or bear coveted signatures. Among the outstanding features of the book is its wealth of new and fresh illustrations : more than 800 full-color, actual-size photographs of fine netsuke from roughly 50 collections --some famous and some little known-- together with more than 300 photographs of carversL signatures. The netsuke shown here represent the work of hundreds of different carvers, both identified and anonymous ; they are of many types and styles, both sought after and overlooked. It is of interest to note that a Japanese-language version of the book is being published by the Kyoto publisher Tankosha --the first instance of the appearance in Japanese of a book on netsuke by a Western writer. 2.Raymond Bushell is well known among netsuke collectors the world over for his several authoritative books --namely,LCollectorsL NetsukeL,LThe Netsuke Handbook of Ueda ReikichiL,LThe Wonderful World of NetsukeL, and LAn Introduction to NetsukeL-- and for his many articles in such publications as LThe CollectorsL Encyclopedia of AntiquesL,LArts of AsiaL, and LOrientations.LHe also conducts the Questions and Answers column of the Journal of the International Netsuke Collectors Society.)


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