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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/20 03:34:25 JSTLastUpdate:2019/06/08 05:49:14 JST
TITULO BASHO (The Complete Haiku) (š)
AUTOR Matsuo Basho (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 978-4-7700-3063-4
NOTA (*)(trans. by Jane Reichhold) (š)(LPO-221Les mismo libro. Matsuo Basho stands today as JapanLs most renowned writer, and one of the most revered. Yet despite his stature, BashoLs complete haiku have never been collected under one cover. Until now. To render the writerLs full body of work in English, Jane Reichhold, an American haiku poet and translator, dedicated over ten years to the present compilation. In LBasho : The Complete HaikuLshe accomplishes the feat with distinction. Dividing the poetLs creative output into seven periods of development, Reichhold frames each period with a decisive biographical sketch of the poetLs travels, creative influences, and personal triumphs and defeats. Supplementary material includes two hundred pages of scrupulously researched notes, which also contain a literal translation of the poem, the original Japanese, and a Romanized reading. A glossary, chronology, index of first lines, and explanation of BashoLs haiku techniques provide additional background information. Finally, in the spirit of Basho, elegant sumi-e ink drawings by well-known Japanese artist Shiro Tsujimura front each chapter. Reichhold notes that LBasho was a genius with words.LThe poet obsessively sought the perfect word for each phrase or coupling, always stretching for the very essence of experience and expression. With equal dedication, Reichhold has sought the ideal translations. As a result,LBasho : The Complete HaikuLis likely to become the essential work on this brilliant poet and stand as the most authoritative book on his poetry for many years to come.@ŸJane Reichhold is one of AmericaLs leading haiku poets. She has written over thirty books, most of them on haiku or poetry, including LWriting and Enjoying Haiku : A Hands-on Guide.LShe is a three-time winner of the Haiku Society of AmericaLs Merit Book Award, for LTigers in a Tea Cup [1988]L,LSilence [1991]L, and LA Dictionary of Haiku [1992].L She is also a two-time winner of the Literature Award from the Museum of Haiku in Tokyo for her original haiku. In 1998, Ms. Reichhold was honored with an invitation from the Emperor and Empress of Japan to attend the Imperial New YearLs Poetry Party at the palace in Tokyo. Since founding Aha Books more than twenty years ago, Reichhold has aided the spread and understanding of haiku and other Japanese poetry forms with the publication of over fifty books. She started the magazine LMirrors : International Haiku Journal [1987-95]L ; edited LGeppoL, a monthly publication for the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society of America ; and continues to co-edit LLynxL, a poetry journal, with her husband, Werner. ReichholdLs Aha Books sponsors the Tanka Splendor Awards, which honors exceptional writing of tanka poetry in English. She holds memberships in haiku societies in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Germany. her literary papers are housed in American Haiku Archives of the State Library of California.)


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