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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/25 00:45:07 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/03 23:47:37 JST
TITULO For People and For Profit (Business Philosophy for the 21st Century) (š)
AUTOR Kazuo Inamori
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2030-9
NOTA (š)(LLA-0090Les mismo libro.)(Kazuo Inamori is the dynamic, charismatic entrepreneur who founded a small ceramics company called Kyocera and built it into one of the worldLs largest manufacturers of ceramic and electronic components. Writing in his usual straightforward style, Inamori tackles the problems now facing corporate Japan, from the difficulties encountered by small innovative companies to the unpopularity frequently experienced by Japanese business ventures overseas. Examining JapanLs current trade imbalance from historical and social perspectives, he emerges as a convincing and outspoken advocate of the need for immediate change --if Japan is to become a creditable global presence. American businessmen who have long bemoaned the closed nature of Japanese markets will surely find a kindred spirit in Inamori. Central to his call for a broad directional shift is his belief in the necessity for companies to adopt a policy of LcoexistenceL rather than the prevailing attitude of Lprofit at any cost.L Only in this way, he predicts, will business be able to survive and prosper in the coming century. Within his own country, Inamori is regarded as a maverick who is much admired for his blunt criticisma of both the business world and the bureaucracy. With direct experience as a member of a government advisory panel on reform, he is thoroughly acquainted with JapanLs bureaucratic inefficiency and inflexibility, which he sees as a dangerous obstacle to the countryLs continued progress. InamoriLs message is clear : drastic changes and reforms are the only way to the future. And no one is better qualified than he when it comes to offering concrete guidelines for success. Giving illustrations from his own career, he proposes a new style of management, one that is people-centered and embraces both passion and compassion --a bold challenge to the lean-and-mean downsizing now in vogue in Japan as much as in the West. Ultimately, InamoriLs management approach is reflected in his philosophy of life, which seeks to answer the all-important question : What does it mean to be a human being?@ŸKazuo Inamori was born in Kagoshima, southern Japan, in 1932. After graduating from university, he joined a medium-sized insulator company, leaving at the age of twenty-seven to found Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd. (now Kyocera Corporation), which has become a global leader in high-tech ceramic and electronic products. In 1984 he established DDI Corporation, the first long-distance telephone company to challenge NTT, JapanLs communications monopoly. His newest venture, Nippon Iridium Corporation, is part of a colossal international project to facilitate telephone communications between any two points on earth. In addition to his business successes, Inamori is one of JapanLs top corporate philanthropists, and he donated US$200 million of his personal fortune to establish the Inamori Foundation, which is charged with the mission of recognizing outstanding but little-known contributions in the fields of science, technology, and the humanities. Kazuo InamoriLs first book in English, published in 1995 to great acclaim, is titled LA Passion for SuccessL.@¥CONTENTS^@œPART 1 : MY VIEW OF JAPAN^@Chapter 1.The Japanese System : Back to Square One^Faceless Japan^The LMuraL Theory : Village Society^It Is Time to Change Our Values^@Chapter 2.Why Japanese Business Is Criticized Around the World^The Result of Market-Share Mania^JapanLs Self-righteous Companies^Learning from Traditional Market Law^Why Creativity IsnLt Valued^Management That Stresses Personality^@Chapter 3.Living in a Global Society^The Philosophy of Circulation and Regeneration^The Wisdom of African Hunters^Slash-and-Burn Farming^Coexistence and the Regenerative Cycle^Living Together in Society^Philanthropy and a Respect for a Plurality of Values^Coexistence in a Global Society^@œPART 2 : CORPORATIONS IN SOCIETY^@Chapter 4.The Need for Corporate Self-Control^What We Learn from Nature^From a Closed Corporate Society to an Open One^Fair Corporate Management Through Openness^Independent Small Businesses Will Change Japan^Toward Management That Satisfies the Public^@Chapter 5.The Role of the Government^Public Administration for the Public^A Bureaucratic System Puts Bureaucrats First^@Chapter 6.Creating a Truly Free Society^Fixing the Price Gap to Improve the Quality of Life^LetLs Deregulate --and Leave the Decisions to the Public^From Bureaucracy to Independence^Toward a Genuine Democracy^Spreading the Spirit of Social Harmony Worldwide^@œPART 3 : MANAGEMENT FROM THE HEART^@Chapter 7.Good Motives and Selfish Motives^The Material and Emotional Fulfillment of Employees^The Challenge of the Telecommunications Industry^Moving into Cellular Communications^@Chapter 8.Eleven Key Concepts for Effective Management^@Chapter 9.The Way of the Manager^The Way of the Leader^@œPART 4 : MY THEORY OF HUMANITY^@Chapter 10.Fate and Human Will^Strong Willpower^Fate Is Affected by Good Thoughts^Elevating Your Mental Dimension^A Formula for Life^@Chapter 11.Creating a Spiritual Dimension^The Changeable and the Unchangeable Spirit^Our Souls Indicate Where Happiness Lies^@Chapter 12.Caring for Others^The Difference between Heaven and Hell^Concern for Others Expands Your Horizons^Make Concern for Others the Basis of Your Actions^Extending the Spirit of Concern for Others^Living a Life of Self-Awareness^The Kyoto Prizes^@œTHE REFORM OF JAPAN^@The Realities of JapanLs Political System^Issues in the Financial and Industrial Sectors^Government by Bureaucrats, Not by Law^The Protection of Producers and Suppliers^The Selfishness of Private Corporations^A Pragmatic Approach to Reform^The Kyoto Mayoral Election^Changing JapanLs Political System^)


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