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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/27 22:58:19 JSTLastUpdate:2017/02/09 03:17:08 JST
TITULO Linking Community and Corrections in Japan (š)
AUTOR Elmer H. Johnson, Carol H. Johnson
EDITORIAL Southern Illinois University Press
ISBN 0-8093-2279-X
NOTA (š)(1.Completing Elmer H. JohnsonLs impressive three-volume examination of corrections in Japan,LLinking Community and corrections in Japan mwritten with the assistance of Carol H. JohnsonnL focuses on the Rehabilitation BureauLs responsibilities regarding probation, parole, and aftercare as well as the Correction BureauLs role in JapanLs version of community-oriented corrections. InLLinking Community and Corrections in JapanL, Johnson first outlines tha tasks of the Rehabilitation Bureau, then turns to historic and contemporary views of community and corrections. In discussions of the probation and parole system for both adults and juveniles, he describes in detail the Japanese version of supervision and the return of prisoners to the community. One strength of this study is JohnsonLs impartiality. As an investigator, he functions as aLfriend of the courtL, an adviser who is free to conduct an objective pursuit of the fundamental strengths and shortcomings of the Japanese prison system. He also follows the Foucauldian dictum :LWith the prisons there would be no sense of limiting oneself to discourses about prisons ; just as important are the discourses which arise within the prison, the decisions and regulations which are among its constituent elements, its means of functioning, along with its strategies.L Johnson provides sixty tables, two charts, and nineteen black-and-white illustrations. 2.Elmer H. Johnson is a distinguished professor emeritus of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. In addition to LJapanese Corrections : Managing Convicted Offenders in an Orderly SocietyL andLCriminalization and Prisoners in Japan : Six Contrary CohortsL, he is the author of LCrime, Corrections, and SocietyLand the editor of the LInternational Handbook of Contemporary Developments in CriminologyL and theLHandbook on Crime and Delinquency PreventionL. Carol H.Johnson specializes in gerontology. While in Japan, she studied services for the elderly and traditional Japanese crafts.)


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