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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/27 23:15:30 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/07 21:15:46 JST
TITULO Sociology and Social Development in Asia ()
AUTOR Tadashi Fukutake, Kiyomi Morioka
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-119-2
NOTA ()(Proceedings of the Symposium)(This volume is the proceedings of the first international meeting of Asian scholars ever held in Asia. Papers presented by participants from ten countries are loosely grouped under four main headings : Population Changes and Social Development ; Economic Growth and Social Development ; The Role of Sociologists in Social Development ; and Toward Regional Cooperation of Sociologists in Asia.@CONTENTS^@SPECIAL LECTURE : The Family and the Regulation of Population Growth (Reuben Hill)^@PART I : POPULATION CHANGES AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT^Population Changes and Implications for Social Development (Mercedes B. Concepcion and Ofelia R. Angangco)^Development and Population Policy in Ceylon (S.U.Kodikara)^Population Change and Social Development in Japan (Toshio Kuroda)^Discussions^@PART II : ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT^Economic Growth and Social Development (S.Husin Ali)^Values in Social Development : The Sense of Efficacy as a Core Value (Rodolfo A. Bulatao)^Continuity and Change of Development Values in Korea (Hy-Sop Lim)^Systematization of Value-load of Social Development (Ramkrishna Mukherjee)^Socialism and Social Change in Thailand (Boonsanong Punyodyana)^Economic Development of India : Its Social Implications and Impediments (R.N.Saksena)^Economic Growth and Social Development (Tetsuroo Sasaki)^Socio-Economic Development and Emergence of Social Problems in Contemporary Rural Japan (Mitsuru Shimpo)^The Impact of Educational Television on Technical and Agricultural Improvement in Rural Areas (Gholam Abbas Tavassoli)^Discussions^@PART III : THE ROLE OF SOCIOLOGISTS IN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT^The Role of Professionals in Social Development and Political Change (Hans-Dieter Evers)^Goals and Roles for Sociologists in Social Development in Asia (F.John Hunt)^LHomo SociologicusL and National Reality : An Approach to a Conception of the Reality of Asia (Il-Chul Kim)^The Role of Sociologists in Social Development in Postwar Japan : From the Standpoint of Rural Sociological Research (Tetsuo Ninomiya)^Roles --Visible and Invisible-- of Sociologists in India (A.M.Shah)^The Role of Sociologists in Social Development : The Indonesian Case (Mely G.Tan)^The Problem of Development and the Role of Sociology (John S.Western)^Discussions^@PART IV : TOWARD REGIONAL COOPERATION OF SOCIOLOGISTS IN ASIA^Cooperation among Sociologists in Asia (Man-Gap Lee)^Trends in Japanese Sociological Studies (Shoogo Koyano)^Discussions^Historical Development and Present Problems in Indian Sociology (Ramkrishna Mukherjee)^Development of Sociology in Korea (Man-Gap Lee)^@PART V : APPENDIX^)


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