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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/27 23:22:45 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/19 23:24:34 JST
TITULO Public and Private Self in Japan and the United States (Communicative Styles of Two Cultures) (★)
AUTOR Dean C. Barnlund
EDITORIAL The Simul Press
ISBN 1336-130045-2703 (JBC)
NOTA (★)(Titulo de la version en japones : 日本人の表現構造[公的自己と私的自己])(The first attempt at a comparative study of Japanese and American expression of the self. Drawing upon his wealth of experience and academic study, Dr. Barnlund identifies the framework of ´public self´ and ´private self´ in the two cultures. This book, comparing the basic structures of Japanese and American communicative styles to explore the cultural and social values in their backgrounds, is a unique work which has already achieved renown in Japan. ◆Dr. Dean C. Barnlund, is Professor of Communication Theory, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication at San Francisco State University. During his two visits to Japan, 1968 and 1972, as guest professor at International Christian University, Tokyo, he conducted a survey on the structure of Japanese expression. Also serves as consultant to many groups and organizations in U.S. and abroad.)


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