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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/27 23:28:20 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/05 03:09:06 JST
TITULO The Historical Demography of Pre-modern Japan (š)
AUTOR Akira Hayami
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-027032-X
NOTA (š)(LHA-0081L es mismo libro.)(Historical demography is the study of patterns and changes in a societyLs population before the collection of data through modern censuses. For Japan, a wealth of data on family size and structure, fertility and infant mortality, marriage patterns, urban and rural populations, and migration from one region of the country to another have been preserved for several centuries in temple registration documents, population and cadastral surveys conducted by the Tokugawa government from the 17th to 19th centuries, and other sources of information.@^Beginning in 1638, under orders from the central government, town and village officials in Tokugawa Japan collected data annually on their residents. Although the governmentLs original purpose was to ferret out adherents to the forbidden religion of Christianity, the information collected in the census books known as SACs (Shumon Aratame Cho) has enabled researchers to trace the life histories of individuals and families for several generations, looking at their migration and employment patterns, family size and composition, education, and other aspects of community and family life.@^In this volume, Akira Hayami, one of the pioneers of historical demography in Japan, reports on the findings of researchers who are working with these rich sources of data. He explains the importance of their conclusions not only for historical studies but also for understanding the demography of contemporary Japan and its foreseeable future.@ŸAkira Hayami, who has conducted research on historical demography of JapanLs early modern period for several decades, is Professor of Economic History at Reitaku University, Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture. A graduate of Keio University, he is emeritus professor at Keio and at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. He can be reached at@„CONTENTS^@CHAPTER 1.Introduction to Historical Demography : History and Population^@CHAPTER 2.The Establishment and Development of Historical Demography^@CHAPTER 3.Population Trends Based on Macro-Data^@CHAPTER 4.A Demographic Overview of Early Modern Japan Based on Micro-Data : Population, Family Reconstitution, and Households in Suwa gun, Shinano Province^@CHAPTER 5.Demographic Aspects of Tokugawa Japan Based on Micro-Data : Nishijo mura, Ampachi gun, Mino Province^@CHAPTER 6.Historical Demography and Family History : A Conclusion^)


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