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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/27 23:33:50 JSTLastUpdate:2017/03/06 23:11:46 JST
TITULO The Catalpa Bow (A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan)()
AUTOR Carmen Blacker
EDITORIAL George Allen & Unwin Publishers
ISBN 0-04-398006-6
NOTA ()(The shaman is at once a healer, exorcist, magician and rescuer of sick souls. He can communicate directly with spiritual beings, good and bad, through his powers of clairvoyance and of travel in out-of-the-body trance to other realms of the cosmos. First identified in Siberia, the shaman is now recognised as having been present in many cultures since ancient times. This book is the first full-length study of shamanism in Japan. Dr. Blacker describes the shamanic figures surviving in Japan today, their iniitiatory dreams, their ascetic practices, the supernatural beings with whom they communicate, and the geography of the other world in myth and legend. She has witnessed and participated in many of the rituals she describes. Modernisation may soon destroy this ancient cult, so that Dr. BlackerLs work is the more timely.)


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