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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/27 23:43:51 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/11 23:53:56 JST
TITULO Family Planning in Japanese Society (Traditional Birth Control in a Modern Urban Culture)(š)
AUTOR Samuel Coleman
EDITORIAL Princeton University Press
ISBN 0-691-03133-9
NOTA (š)(This book is about how Japanese couples limit their fertility --why they use some birth control methods and not others. In contrast to married couples in other affluent industrialized countries, Japanese couples rely heavily on induced abortion and make little use of post-World War II innovations in contraception and sterilization. Showing how the economic and social organization of medical care and family planning systems prevents their providing modern contraceptive methods, Samuel Coleman traces Japanese failure to adopt new birth control techniques to the low status of Japanese women and the place of sexuality in Japanese marriage.^@This work explains the paradox of a modern nation with a low fertility level and high use of traditional contraception and induced abortion. The author shows how cultural forces lock the Japanese into contraceptive use patterns that they find less than satisfactory.^@ŸSamuel Coleman is Associate Director for Research and Program Development at North Carolina Japan Center, North Carolina State University in Raleigh.@„TABLE OF CONTENTS^@œ1.INTRODUCTION : HOW THE JAPANESE LIMIT FERTILITY^The Widespread Use of Induced Abortion^A Dearth of Modern Methods of Contraception^Implications of the Japanese Pattern^The Study^@œ2.RESOURCES FOR TERMINATING PREGNANCIES^The Legacy of the Early Postwar Experience^How the Law Works^Finding an Abortionist^Safety and Cost^@œ3.RESOURCES FOR CONTRACEPTION^Early Experiences in Family Planning^Modern Contraception and the Law^Obstetrician-Gynecologists and the Pill Ban^Contraception Versus Abortion in the Obstetrician-GynecologistLs Practice^DoctorsL Attitudes Toward Contraception^The Activities of Family Planning Workers^Organizational Limitations^Condom Sales in the Commercial Sector^Birth Control Education in the Popular Media^@œ4.ABORTION, the LNECESSARY EVILL^Religious Sentiment and Symbolism^Religious Symbols in Secular Contexts^Fetus versus Infant^Polls and Surveys of Attitudes^The Determinants of a Morally Acceptable Abortion^WomenLs Emotional Responses to the Abortion Experience^MenLs Attitudes Toward Abortion^Abortion Avoidance^@œ5.MAKING DO : METHOD ADOPTION AND PERFORMANCE^UsersL Attitudes Toward Condoms^The Unfamiliar Modern Methods^Indications of the Unavailability of Modern Methods^Personal Information Channels^Cooperation and Control^Adopting the First Method^Rhythm, the Great Escape from Condoms^Patterns of Unwanted Conceptions^The Switch to Modern Contraception^@œ6.CONJUGAL ROLES AND WOMENLS STATUS^Conjugal Role Organization and Contraception^Role Segregation in Japanese Contraceptive Adoption and Use^The Japanese Conjugal Division of Labor^Leisure^Emotional Interaction and Communication^Class and Conjugal Role Relationships^WomenLs Status as a Factor in Family Planning^The Important Factor of Education^WomenLs Status in Japan^WomenLs Status in Their Marriages^A Hypothetical Adaptation^@œ7.SEXUALITY^WomenLs Sexuality and Initiative in Contraception^WomenLs Status and Sexuality^Male Sexuality and Initiative in Contraception^Male Preferences in Female Sexuality^Risshinben --The LHeartL of Sexuality^The Dubious Status of Marital Sexuality^The Sexuality of the Service Providers^@œ8.FOUR COUPLES^Affluent Blue Collars : The Imaizumi Couple^Youthful Middle Class : The Ishida Couple^Older Middle Class : The Miyamoto Couple^Anomalies : The Kondo Couple^@œ9.WHAT WOULD BRING ABOUT A CHANGE?^Deus Ex Machina^Change from the Top Down^Change from Service Providers^Change from the Bottom Up^The Necessary Social Trends^)


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