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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/28 00:20:07 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/27 00:57:11 JST
TITULO Japanese Culture And Behavior (Selected Readings)()
AUTOR Takie Sugiyama Lebra, etc.
EDITORIAL University of Hawaii Press
ISBN 0-8248-1055-4
NOTA ()(Addressing both the cultural context of behavior and the behavioral manifestations of culture, the 1974 edition of this text yielded a multi-faceted yet remarkably integrated portrait of the Japanese. Within its pages classical stereotypes and seemingly contradictory behaviors were appraised, put into perspective, and made comprehensible.^@Now, in response to the rapid changes taking place in contemporary Japanese culture as well as to new developments in the social sciences, the editors have completely revised their original volume. The revisions have been guided by ten yearsL use of the first edition in the classroom and the comments of numerous readers and reviewers. Of the 23 essays, 13 are new additions. Every chapter offers insights into one aspect or other of contemporary Japanese life. Newly included are discussions on such topics as dinner entertainment, skiing cross-culturally, male chauvinism as a manifestation of love in marriage, and domestic violence. Ten chapters have been retained from the first edition because they have achieved the status of classics.^@The editors have endeavored to present a diversity of perspectives and topics including a mix of Japanese and Western contributions representing a variety of disciplines --anthropology, psychology, psychiatry, and linguistics. Like the first edition, this volume is divided into four sections. Part 1 focuses on morality as a combination of culturally articulated and shared value standards imposed upon the individual. Part 2 presents patterns of interaction, communication, and grouping as a social bridge between culture and individual. Part 3 addresses some aspects of child rearing and one aspect of adult training. Part 4 turns to a few manifestations of pathology and to a variety of culturally available therapies. Each of the four parts is prefaced by an editorial commentary. A much needed index has been added.^@CONTENTS^@PART ONE : MORAL VALUES AND SENTIMENTS^ 1.Human Nature in the Japanese Myths (John C.Pelzel)^@2.The Monkey Memorial Service of Japanese Primatologists (Pamela J. Asquith)^@3.A Culture of Love and Hate (Eiichiroo Ishida)^@4.Compensative Justice and Moral Investment among Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans (Takie Sugiyama Lebra)^@5.Individual, Group and LSeishinL : JapanLs Internal Cultural Debate (Brian Moeran)^@6.The Relation of Guilt toward Parents to Achievement and Arranged Marriage among the Japanese (George De Vos)^@PART TWO : INTERACTION, COMMUNICATION, AND GROUPING^@7.An Ethnography of Dinner Entertainment in Japan (Harumi Befu)^@8.Amae : A Key Concept for Understanding Japanese Personality Structure (L. Takeo Doi)^@9.LMale ChauvinismL as a Manifestation of Love in Marriage (Sonya Salamon)^@10.Language and Behavior in Japan : The Conceptualization of Personal Relations (Takao Suzuki)^@11.Gift-Giving in a Modernizing Japan (Harumi Befu)^@12.Criteria of Group Formation (Chie Nakane)^@13.Skiing Cross-Culturally (Vincent S.R. Brandt)^@PART THREE : DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIALIZATION^@14.Maternal Care and Infant Behavior in Japan and America (William Caudill and Helen Weinstein)^@15.Who Sleeps by Whom? Parent-Child Involvement in Urban Japanese Families (William Caudill and David W. Plath)^@16.Ethics and Moral Precepts Taught in Schools of Japan and the United States (Betty B. Lanham)^@17.Violence in the Home : Conflict between Two Principles --Maternal and Paternal (Hayao Kawai)^@18.LSpiritual EducationL in a Japanese Bank (Thomas P. Rohlen)^@PART FOUR : CULTURAL STRESS, PSYCHOTHERAPIES, AND RESOCIALIZATION^@19.Nonmedical Healing in Contemporary Japan : A Psychiatric Study (Yuji Sasaki)^@20.Self-Reconstruction in Japanese Religious Psychotherapy (Takie Sugiyama Lebra)^@21.Japanese Attitudes toward Mental Health and Mental Health Care (Tsunetsugu Munakata)^@22.Fear of Eye-to-Eye Confrontation among Neurotic Patients in Japan (Yomishi Kasahara)^@23.Naikan Therapy (Takao Murase)^)


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