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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/28 00:25:14 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/15 01:30:40 JST
TITULO The Japan Experience (š)
AUTOR Ronald Bell
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-0084-5
NOTA (š)(17 outsiders view Japan from the inside in provocative interviews edited, with an introduction, by Ronald Bell) (This important book brings together seventeen provocative interviews of foreigners who now live in Japan or have recently lived there --from as few as two to as many as forty-two years. It is a frank --sometimes loving, sometimes bitter, but always involved-- appraisal of that country as it is today. Taken together, the interviews form a remarkable portrait of the everyday reality of an extraordinary people and their culture as well as of the non-Japanese who live in their midst.^@The lively, outspoken insights and opinions gathered here include those of an American architect, an Italian anthropologist, an American Zen monk, a British novelist, a German Catholic priest, a Korean writer, a Dutch student, and an American sumo wrestler, among others of various nationalities and interests. These are people who live in Japanese communities, work side by side with Japanese, teach and are taught by Japanese --in short, people who have truly experienced Japan.^@A broad spectrum of views is presented, including discussion of such subjects as the foreigner inside and outside Japanese society, the Japanese as Leconomic animals,L resurgent militarism, the suicide of Yukio Mishima, working with the Japanese in an artistic venture, corruption in government, Prime Minister TanakaLs plan to Lremodel the Japanese archipelago,L beauty and ugliness in the Japanese environment, the foreigner and the martial arts, getting at the heart of the LrealL Japan, Zen and the West, law, modernization, Japanese national prejudices, and sex.^@The book is much more, however, than a fascinating portrait of a remarkable nation. In talking candidly about their experiences, the interviewees suggest their own characters, their relations with the Japanese, and their emotional and intellectual involvement with Japan. On this level the book rises above reportage, and in its portrayal of the interaction between Japanese and foreigners it becomes living history.^@ŸRonald Bell was born in 1931 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, where he attended local schools. He has lived in Japan for thirteen years, having first visited there in 1951 as a U.S. marine. Mr. Bell attended Sophia University in Tokyo, and for the last eight years has been an editor and book designer. At present he lives in Tokyo with his wife Kyoko and son Dylan.^@₯CONTENTS^@œ1.FOSCO MARAINI (Italian, Cultural Anthropologist)^@œ2.ANGELA CARTER (British, Novelist)^@œ3.DONALD RICHIE (American, Writer)^@œ4.IWAO HOSHII (Naturalized Japanese, Financial Researcher)^@œ5.HUGO M. ENOMIYA-LASALLE (German, Catholic Priest)^@œ6.BRIAN VICTORIA (American, Zen Priest)^@œ7.DONN DRAEGER (American, Martial Arts Exponent)^@œ8.JOHN NATHAN (American, Scholar)^@œ9.JUNE SILLA (Korean, Writer)^@œ10.DANIEL OKIMOTO (American, Student)^@œ11.ANTONIN RAYMOND (American, Architect)^@œ12.CHARLES F. GALLAGHER (American, Scholar)^@œ13.MARION JANSEN (Dutch, Teacher)^@œ14.BARRIE MUSGRAVE (British, Potter)^@œ15.ANONYMOUS (Homosexual)^@œ16.JESSE KUHAULUA (American, Sumo Wrestler)^@œ17.EUGENE LEE (American, Scholar)^)


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