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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/28 00:27:21 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/27 03:53:27 JST
TITULO The Sookagakkai and Mass Society (š)
AUTOR James W. White
EDITORIAL Stanford University Press
ISBN 0-8047-0728-6
NOTA (š)(A Japanese lay religious organization attached to a militant Buddhist sect, the Sookagakkai has grown since World War II from a handful of members to the third strongest political party in Japan. Its combination of militance and nationalism has caused many Western journalists to label it fascist, while its success has given it a reputation among political scientists as a mass movement.@^This study analyzes both the membership and the ideology of the Gakkai in terms of William KornhauserLs theory of mass society. It attempts to discern the points of similarity and divergence between the Gakkai and KornhauserLs description, in the process offering suggestive observations on the relevance of mass movements to democracy and on the social bases of political movements and political participation.@^The study begins with a descriptive overview of the Sookagakkai : its context, history, organization, social composition, beliefs, and political platform. It then examines the social origins, psychological attributes, and political beliefs and behavior of the Gakkai leadership and membership. An examination of the interaction of the rank-and-file and the leadership leads to a delineation of the implications of religio-political movements for Japanese society in particular and democratic politics in general.@ŸJames W. White is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina. @¥CONTENTS^@œPART I : ORIGINS, STRUCTURE, AND POLITICS^@1.Social Structure and Social Strain^@2.Sookagakkai Beliefs^@3.Precipitation and Mobilization^@4.The Membership^@5.Recruitment and Indoctrination^@6.Goals and Internal Government^@7.The Sookagakkai and Politics^@8.The Koomeitoo in Action^@œPART II : THE SOOKAGAKKAI AND THE MASS MODEL^@9.The Member as Mass Man^@10.The Sookagakkai as a Mass Movement^@11.The Sookagakkai and the Individual^@12.The Sookagakkai and Its Japanese Environment^@Possibilities and Problems^)


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