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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 00:51:33 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/23 03:06:08 JST
TITULO Sogo Shosha (The Vanguard of the Japanese Economy) (š)
AUTOR Yoshihara Kunio
EDITORIAL Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-582500-4
NOTA (š)(The sogo shosha is a typical commercial institution peculiar to Japan and intimately related to that countryLs dramatic transformation from a backward, agricultural feudal state into a modern industrial power of the first rank. The author traces the development of the sogo shosha as exemplified by the case histories of the Mitsui Bussan, Mitsubishi Shoji and a dozen other trading companies which pioneered and developed the concomitants of a modern industrial society in the fields of finance, communication and commercial organization in Japan. Then he goes on to discuss the various contemporary problems which face the sogo shosha today and which so often present a baffling picture to foreign observers. To tell the tale of the sogo shosha is to explain how the process of industrialization took place in Japan and why it took the form it did. It also provides some object lessons for developing countries today out to emulate the Japanese experience.@¥CONTENTS^@œ1.INTRODUCTION^@œ2.THE TRADING INDUSTRY^Trading Companies^Sogo Shosha^Towards a Conglomerate^@œ3.HISTORICAL EVOLUTION : THE PRE-WAR PERIOD^Mitsui Bussan^Mitsubishi Shoji^C.Itoh and Marubeni^Iwai^Nissho^Other Trading Companies^Comparison^@œ4.HISTORICAL EVOLUTION : THE POST-WAR PERIOD^The Ordeal^Towards Greater Concentration^The Growth of Mitsubishi Shoji and Mitsui Bussan^The Siamese Twins : Marubeni and C.Itoh^The Three Cotton Traders : Toyo Menka, Nichimen (Nippon Menka), and Gosho^Steel Centred Trading Companies : Iwai, Ataka, and Nissho^The Rise of Sumitomo Shoji^Other Trading Companies^Concluding Remarks^@œ5.CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC BACKGROUND^The Dismal View^Financial Power^Market Separation^Foreign versus Japanese Trading Companies^In the Whirlpool of Economic Changes^Concluding Remarks^@œ6.ROLE IN INDUSTRIALIZATION^Industrial Investment^Intermediation in Technology Transfer^Financial Intermediation^Intermediation in the Goods Market^Concluding Remarks^@œ7.PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATION^The Trading Company is People^Two Founders in Contrast : Itoh Chubei and Tazuke Masajiro^Delegation of Power^The Lessons of Suzuki^Organizing Principles^The Place of Family Enterprises^Top Management^Concluding Remarks^@œ8.PUBLIC CRITICISM^Speculation and Profiteering^The Fair Trade Commission Attacks^Political Involvement^The Corrupt Political System^Concluding Remarks^@œ9.CONCLUSION^)


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