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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 01:05:53 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/06 23:20:04 JST
TITULO Education and Training in the Development of Modern Corporations ()
AUTOR Nobuo Kawabe , Eisuke Daitoo
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-495-7
NOTA ()(Systematic education and training in business are relatively new concepts, and differ from country to country. Historically, apprenticeship and in-house training have been the norm, but today there are a variety of educational options. In the United States, there is the business school, which offers graduate-level expertise in LscientificL business management. The countries of Europe retain to a large degree their ties to the traditional apprenticeship system. Modern Japanese corporations hire new graduates from universities for in-house training and education.@^In this volume scholars from the United States, Britain, France, Sweden, and Japan examine the relationship between educational systems and industrial society in their respective countries, the historical context in which such relationships were born, and how ultimately corporate behavior is governed by the limits of business education.@CONTENTS^@Business and Education in Historical Perspective : The Interwar Years in Japan (Eisuke Daitoo)^@Higher Education and Management : Their Relational Changes in the 20th Century (Robert R. Locke)^@The Improvement of School Education and the Development of Personnel Management in Post-Meiji Japan (Akiko Chimoto)^@Industrial Training and Management Education in Britain : A Missing Dimension (Robert Fitzgerald)^@Education and Occupation in Germany, 19th and 20th Centuries : A Macro-Analysis Comparing the Private Sector with the Public Sector (Peter Lundgreen)^@Rationalization and the Training of Engineers in France from the Early 20th Century to World War II (Aimee Moutet)^@Business Education, Training, and the Emergence of the LJapanese Employment SystemL (Shinji Sugayama)^@The Transformation of American Business Education (Daniel Nelson)^@Technical Competence and Industrial Performance : Sweden in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries (Goran Ahlstrom)^@Summary of the Concluding Discussion (Nobuo Kawabe and Eisuke Daitoo)^)


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