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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 23:19:04 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/15 01:17:39 JST
TITULO World War II and the Transformation of Business Systems ()
AUTOR edited by Jun Sakudoo , Takao Shiba
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-505-8
NOTA ()(The International Conference on Business History 20, Proceedings of the Fuji Conference)(Was World War II a turning point or a hiatus in the evolution of business systems? What effect did the economic mobilization and wartime industrial demands have on combatant nations? These questions are addressed by an international group of business historians who examine the wartime legacy by tracing changes in technology and production resources, in production management systems, in finance and ownership, and finally in government and enterprise relationships.@^The case studies included here give a detailed analysis of the wartime economies and industries of seven countries. For Japan, the United States, the USSR, and Italy, the experience of economic centralization or state intervention as well as the development of a technical foundation provided a prototype for postwar industries and policies. In Britain, Germany, and France, the war was a period of distortion and did not much alter existing systems.@^Despite the abundance of academic research on the war and its significance in reshaping society and political life, surprisingly little has been published on the effects of the war on economic and business systems. This volume and its business-history approach based on archival records will serve as a catalyst for further research in this field.@CONTENTS^@Business Activities of Japanese Manufacturing Industries during World War II (Takao Shiba)^@The Rationalization of Production Management Systems in Japan during World War II (Satoshi Sasaki)^@The Relationship between the Government and Companies in Japan during and after World War II (Takeo Kikkawa)^@The Impact of World War II on the American Economy (Gerald D. Nash)^@Organizing U.S. Aircraft Production for the War, 1938-44 : An Experiment in Group Enterprise (Robert D. Cuff)^@British Business and the State during the Second World War (Peter Howlett)^@Emergence of Modern Business Structures? Industry and War Economy in Nazi Germany (Paul Erker)^@The Production of Armaments in Italy, 1940-45 (Duccio Bigazzi)^@French Industry during the German Occupation, 1940-44 : The Case of the Public Works Industry (Dominique Barjot)^@The Soviet Defense Industry Complex in World War II (Mark Harrison)^@Summary of the Concluding Discussion (Takao Shiba and Jun Sakudoo)^@Organizing Committee and Conference Participants^)


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