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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 23:24:06 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/31 00:53:05 JST
TITULO Technology Diffusion, Productivity Employment, and Phase Shifts in Developing Economies (š)
AUTOR Kazushi Ohkawa , Katsuo Otsuka
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-506-6
NOTA (š)(LTS-0015L es mismo libro.)(This volume, the culmination of a decade of empirical research on economic development at the International Development Center of Japan, focuses on the common problems encountered by economies in the process of growth. Specifically, technological diffusion, productivity growth, changes in employment patterns, and demarcation of the phases that an economy passes through on the way to development are examined through data analysis and long-term observation.^@The authors view economic development as an extended process, and their model is formulated in terms of a dualistic structure, which they see as characterizing developing economies : the traditional coexisting with the modern. Their analysis attempts to quantify this structure, and to examine how changes in the balance between tradition and modernity affect technological diffusion, factor prices, the labor market, and the sequence of events in economic growth.^@JapanLs example is used to illustrate one economic development pattern, and is contrasted with other paths to growth. This volume will be of use in academic studies as well as in training programs for those involved in planning and managing developing economies.^@ŸKazushi Ohkawa (1908-1993) was Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University and Founding Director of the International Development Center of Japan. His research on economic development led to the compilation and publication of the landmark Long-Term Economic Statistics (LTES) of Japan and other works, including LLectures on Developing Economies (1989, University of Tokyo Press)L.^@Katsuo Otsuka is Professor of Economics in the School of Commerce, Waseda University, and author of a number of books on economic growth.^@¥CONTENTS^@œ1.TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION : THE INPUT-OUTPUT RATIO APPROACH^I.Contemporary Developing Economies : Proposal and Hypothesis^II.Selected Review of Relevant Theories and Approaches^@œ2.TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION : EMPIRICAL STUDIES^I.Manufacturing in Japan^II.Contemporary Developing Economies : Selected Cases^III.Small-scale Firms in Manufacturing and Family Farms in Agriculture^@œ3.OUTPUT-LABOR INPUT RATIO IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR : DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS^I.Domestic Overview : Japan^II.Developing Economies : International Dimension^@œ4.SIGNIFICANCE OF PRODUCER DURABLES IN TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION^I.Greater Share and Higher Prices of Producer Durables^II.Problems for Latecomers : Relevance of JapanLs Historical Experience^@œ5.PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH AND RESIDUAL GROWTH : COMPARISON AND INTEGRATION^I.Input-Output Ratio Formula and Residual Measurement^II.Productivity Growth and Residual Growth in Major Sectors^III.Demarcating Phases in Developing Economies^@œ6.PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH AND LABOR : EMPLOYMENT AND PRODUCT-INCOME^I.Productivity and Employment : Relation to Rates of Change^II.Productivity Growth and the Sectoral Inequality of Product Per Worker^@œ7.GENERALIZED FRAMEWORK OF DEVELOPMENT PHASES^I.Conceptual Framework^II.Production : Productivity Approach^III.Phases by Trade Pattern^IV.Trend Acceleration and the Normal Path of Shifting Phases^)


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