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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 23:34:24 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/11 02:29:49 JST
TITULO Japan : A Postindustrial Power (š)
AUTOR Ardath W. Burks
EDITORIAL Westview Press
ISBN 0-86531-714-3
NOTA (š)(This updated edition of Professor BurksLs introduction to the complexities of Japan incorporates a discussion of events through mid-1983. LAmericans and Japanese too often look at each other through opposite ends of a cultural telescope,L comments the author. LThis short book is an attempt to bring Japan and the Japanese into sharper focus.L^@Dr. Burks traces the history and continuity of the Japanese life-style, tradition, and cultural heritage and devotes an entire chapter to the remarkable contemporary Lintrospection boomL : the Japanese asking Lwho are the Japanese?L His discussion of the rapid modernization of Japan treats not only the familiar transition from a primary, agricultural stage to a secondary, industrial one, but also the further evolution into a tertiary, service-centered society --JapanLs early entry into the postindustrial era. He includes an analysis of the maturing of the Japanese economy, the continuing tensions arising from trade surpluses, and the selection of Nakasone Yasuhiro as prime minister. A concluding chapter reflects on Japan as a case study in historical transition, and on its future both at home and in the world.^@ŸArdath W. Burks is professor emeritus, Asian studies, at Rutgers University. He has done fieldwork in Japan as a foreign area research fellow, at Kyoto University as a senior research Fulbright fellow, and in Tokyo on a Ford Foundation travel-study grant. He has also served on the staff of the International House of Japan, Inc., Tokyo, as program consultant. At Rutgers, Dr. Burks served successively as chairman, Department of Political Science, Rutgers College ; director of international programs for the university ; associate and acting vice-president for academic affairs ; and special assistant to the president.@„CONTENTS^@œ1.SANSUI : THE LANDSCAPE AND ITS SETTLEMENT^Structure^Climate^The Japanese^@œ2.THE JAPANESE TRADITION^Origins^Ancient Japan^Feudal Japan^@œ3.SHIBUI : A TASTE OF JAPANESE CULTURE^Origins^Ancient Japan^The Art of Feudal Japan^Edo Style^@œ4.KINDAIKA : MODERNIZATION^The Tokugawa Period^The Meiji Modernizers^The Dilemmas of Growth^Militarism and Modernization^@œ5.POSTWAR POLITICS^More Modernization^The Politics of Peace^The Governance of Japan^@œ6.THE POSTWAR ECONOMY^The Background^The Era of Growth^@œ7.THE POSTINDUSTRIAL SOCIETY^Some Models of Change^Aspects of the Postindustrial Society^New Issues in the Postindustrial Society^@œ8.KOKUMINSEI : WHO ARE THE JAPANESE?^Some Portraits^Some Guidelines^Some Patterns^Some Effects^@œ9.JAPAN IN THE WORLD^The Various Japans^Economic Problems and Trade^Security Problems and the Defense Issue^Identity and the Problem of Communication^The Case of Japan^)


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