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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 23:37:14 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/08 02:22:08 JST
TITULO Transfer of JapaneseTechnology and Management to the ASEAN Countries (š)
AUTOR edited by Shoichi Yamashita
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-463-9
NOTA (š)(Japanese investment is changing the face of industries and economies all over the world, but nowhere more than in Southeast Asia. It has contributed to economic growth in the region, but at the same time it is a source of unease and friction in the countries involved. As latecomers in foreign investment, Japanese enterprises have often replicated abroad the organization and methods of their parent companies, with little concession to local traditions and business styles.^@In this volume, economists from Japan and from several of the ASEAN nations --Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines-- report the findings of a wide-ranging investigation of the effect of Japanese investment on industries and enterprises in Southeast Asia, and the local reactions to Japanese methods of management and technology transfer. Approaching the problems associated with Japanese-affiliated companies from both sides of the partnership, their contributions range from case studies of specific factories to an evaluation of the literature on technology transfer. The applicability of LJapanese-styleL management --characterized by lifetime employment, seniority-based promotion, and emphasis on on-the-job training-- to other cultural settings is a topic addressed by many of the authors, and is the subject of a round-table discussion among them.^@This book addresses questions of importance not only in Asia but elsewhere in the world where Japanese technology transfer and investment are taking place. It will be an important resource for scholars, policy-makers, and business executives who are involved in personnel management and training in a new international economic environment.^@ŸShoichi Yamashita is professor in the Faculty of Economics at Hiroshima University.@¥CONTENTS^@œPART I : JAPANESE DIRECT INVESTMENT IN ASEAN^@Chapter 1.Economic Development of the ASEAN Countries and the Role of Japanese Direct Investment (Shoichi Yamashita)^@Chapter 2.JapanLs Investment and Local Capital in ASEAN since 1985 (Pasuk Phongpaichit), Comment (Tetsuo Abo)^@Chapter 3.The Global Context and the New Wave of Japanese Investment in Thailand (Suthy Prasartset), Comment (Akira Suehiro)^@Chapter 4.Features of Japanese Direct Investment and Japanese-Style Management in Singapore (Lim Hua Sing), Comment (Takeshi Mori)^@œPART II : JAPANESE-STYLE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER^@Chapter 5.Review of Studies on Japanese-Style Management (Nobuo Kawabe and Tatsuo Kimbara)^@Chapter 6.Foundations of Human Resources Management Practice in Japanese Companies in Malaysia (Gregory T.S.Thong), Comment (Atsumu Hirano)^@Chapter 7.Localization and Performance of Japanese Operations in Malaysia and Singapore (Tatsuo Kimbara)^@Chapter 8.Technology Transfer in ThailandLs Electronics Industry (Prayoon Shiowattana), Comment (Ichiro Sato)^@Chapter 9.LTechnology TransferL and Japan-Thai Relations (Johzen Takeuchi), Comment (Osamu Yasuda), Comment on Technology Transfer (Ichiro Sato)^@Chapter 10.Problems of and Perspectives on Japanese Management in Malaysia (Nobuo Kawabe)^@œPART III : DISCUSSION^@Beyond Japanese-Style Management in ASEAN : Assessments and Adaptations^)


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