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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 23:39:55 JSTLastUpdate:2018/12/19 23:26:16 JST
TITULO Putting Buddhism to Work (A New Approach to Management and Business) (š)
AUTOR Shinichi Inoue
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2124-0
NOTA (š)LR-0070Les mismo libro. (1.LDog-eat-dogLand Lprofit-at-any-costLare business prctices that have long been adopted as the only logical methods of survival for large corporations. However, this approach has also been responsible for numerous societal and environmental problems in the present century, with the result that top-level executives the world over are searching for less damaging policies. The challenge of the twenty-first century therefore lies in developing a new type of economics that will save the earth rather than destroy it. Shinichi Inoue argues that while economics will continue to be based on the Lfree market,Lthe interpretation of the wordLfreeLcan be different from that normally accepted in the West, where freedom centers around the rights of the individual. In contrast, in the Buddhist view freedom ensues when all personal desires are mastered or superceded. In this way, a Buddhist approach involves understanding that economics and a moral and spiritual life are neither separate nor mutually exclusive. Buddhist economics avoids conflict with nature and operates in a way that is spiritually rich, socially beneficial, as well as environmentally friendly. In effect, it is an economics that shows us how to move beyond the unfortunate compartmentalization of our lives symptomatic of the present age to a more holistic visions of life. The twentieth century has been marked by materialistic, selfish consumerism, but the next century will need to focus on the quality and spirituality of life itself. We need to shift from a throwaway culture to a more sustainable civilization that recognizes the fundamental interconnectedness of people and nature --a message that Buddhism has been trying to teach mankind for the past two thousand five hundred years. Drawing on his experience as the head of a major Japanese bank, Shinichi Inoue shows how the management of large enterprises can be reconciled with the compassionate teachings of Buddhism. Throughout this book, he also examines successful companies where innovative management outlooks have been adopted, and he illustrates his stimulating approach to business with abundant anecdotes. 2.Shinichi Inoue was born in 1918 in Kumamoto, southern Japan. Upon graduating from the economics department of the University of Tokyo, he joined the Bank of Japan, rising to a managerial position. He became president of Miyazaki Bank in 1975 after serving as vice-president for four years. InoueLs interest in Buddhism began in his childhood, when he lost his parents to illness. Throughout his career he has sought to combine the principles of Buddhism with his expertise in economics and management. He has authored a series of books in Japanese on Buddhist business administration, and translated into Japanese the late Jawaharlal NehruLs Visit to America. At present he is also the chairman of the Foundation for the Promotion of Buddhism [Bukkyo Shinko Zaidan], a member of the Buddhist Economics Research Institute of Komazawa University, and a senior adviser to Takachiho Commercial College.)


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