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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 23:53:21 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/22 21:27:08 JST
TITULO Working for a Japanese Company (š)
AUTOR Robert M. March
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2085-6
NOTA (š)(Insights into the Multicultural Workplace)(Looking for a job with security, and thinking that a Japanese company might be just the place? As American companies continue to downsize and Japanese companies take advantage of the strong yen to expand operations abroad, jobs with a Japan connection are more attractive than ever. LWorking for a Japanese CompanyL is simply the best, most realistic book available for anyone thinking about taking a position with a Japanese firm.@^Veteran East-West management consultant Robert M. March takes a clear-eyed look at what you can expect in terms of opportunity, growth, resolution of day-to-day differences and job satisfaction. March outlines basic differences in managerial methods, work styles and office settings, and gives useful advice about ways Japanese and non-Japanese readers alike can best navigate and minimize differences. Real-life anecdotes provide practical insight throughout, and a final checklist at the back is a powerful tool for evaluating a company as a potential employer.@ŸRobert M. March, Ph.D., spent much of his adult life working in Japan as a management consultant, author, psychologist and professor of international business at TokyoLs Aoyama Gakuin University. He is the author of LThe Japanese NegotiatorL and LReading the Japanese MindL, as well as of books, articles and training videos in Japanese. He lives in Sydney, Australia and teaches international business at the University of Western Sydney. He served as visiting professor of Japanese studies at the Copenhagen Business School in 1996.@¥CONTENTS^@œPART 1 : FIRST ENCOUNTERS^@1.A Brief History^@2.Cross-Cultural Relations and the Japanese Psyche^@3.First Encounters : Pleasure and Pain^@œPART 2 : FOREIGNERS INSIDE THE JAPANESE COMPANY^@Introduction to PART 2^@4.Getting Along with Colleagues and Bosses^@5.Communicating Within the Company^@6.Recruitment and Status of the Foreign Employee^@7.Unequal Treatment or a Difference of Perception?^@8.The Foreign Employee in a Management Role^@9.Division and Polarization in the Multi-national Japanese Company^@10.The Japanese Manager Abroad^@11.Problems in the Company --Cultural Misunderstandings or Human Nature?^@12.Some Words of Advice --And Warning^)


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