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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/10/31 23:56:06 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/20 23:19:23 JST
TITULO Beyond National Borders (Reflections on Japan and the World) (★)
AUTOR Kenichi Ohmae
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1385-X
NOTA (★)(「世界が見える/日本が見える、大前研一」)(My hope is that Americans will understand as a result of reading this book what kind of soul-searching we in Japan are going through, because we are genuinely concerned and unsure about how to improve our relationships with the rest of the world, particularly with the United States, and want to grow as a respected member of the global economy. And maybe what I have to say will also cause some Americans to ask why U.S. scholars and politicians haven´t been telling people what they ought to know. [Kenichi Ohmae, from the Preface] ◆About the Author : One of the world´s leading experts on international competition and business strategy, Kenichi Ohmae has been called Japan´s ´only management guru´ by London´s Financial Times. A senior partner in the International management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, Ohmae´s clients have included the top executives of multinationals in Europe, the United States and Japan. ´Beyond National Borders´ is the distillation of Ohmae´s experience and his writings on management. But the reader will find something else --the thinking of a man who is both a patriot and a truly global citizen coming to grips with the political and economic challenges facing our increasingly interdependent world. An inventor, problem solver, musician, scientist and strategist, he offers a crossborder, interdisciplinary way of thinking about these challenges that is both farsighted and full of hope.)


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