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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/01 00:25:37 JSTLastUpdate:2018/11/25 02:49:22 JST
TITULO Confucianism & Christianity (š)
AUTOR Julia Ching
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 0-87011-303-8
NOTA (š)(A Comparative Study)(1.As mutual understanding and cooperation between Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism continue to expand, the trend toward an eventual meeting of the theology and religious thinking of the worldLs great religions becomes more and more apparent. Although Confucianism is not strictly a religion like the others, and is regarded by many as a philosophy encompassing a tradition of human wisdom, its extensive influence on a large segment of the worldLs population, including the Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Koreans, demands that it be included in any approach to mutual understanding between religious traditions. This book compares an Eastern tradition, Confucianism, and a Western one, Christianity, with the manifest intention of promoting dialogue between the two. Beginning with the historical encounter between Christianity and Confucianism in the seventeenth century, the author examines similarities and differences inherent in certain common themes first outlined centuries ago. Then, a critical assessment of Confucian heritage and its ultimate viability in todayLs world leads to a look at the problem of manLs ability to transcend himself. The problem of an Absolute or God, the personal deity of the Christian scriptures and the Confucian classics, emerges within the dimension of self-transcendence. The author then discusses prayer, or dialogue with God, meditation, mystique, and cult in theory and LpraxisL, and finally, examines the political relevance of the doctrine of kingship and rebellion, and the modern implications of such teachings. This study represents a wide spectrum of the drama of life, indicating the Confucian focus throughout the centuries on the moral, religious, and cosmic significance of manLs relationship with man, and the Christian central teaching of God as love. This volume, which includes a chronological table of Chinese history, a selected bibliography, and an index, should be of interest to comparative philosophers and religionists, theologians and sinologists. 2.Julia Ching was born in Shanghai, China. She studied in Asia, the United States, and Europe, and received her doctorate from the Australian National University in Canberra, where she was also a lecturer in Asian Civilizations. She later taught at Columbia University and is at present an associate professor of comparative philosophy at Yale University. She is also an associate member of the Institute of Oriental Religions of Sophia University in Tokyo. She has published in many professional journals, and her most recent book is LTo Acquire Wisdom : the Way of Wang Yang-ming [Columbia University Press, 1976]L, a study of the fifteenth-century Chinese philosopher.)


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