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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/01 09:33:08 JSTLastUpdate:2019/09/15 02:41:49 JST
TITULO Light Verse from the Floating World ()
AUTOR Makoto Ueda
EDITORIAL Columbia University Press
ISBN 0-231-11551-2
NOTA ()(An Anthology of Premodern Japanese Senryu) (Similar in form to the well-known, more serious haiku, the satirical and often humorous poems known as LsenryuL have received little scholarly attention because most were written by anonymous amateur poets and were therefore considered popular literature unworthy of serious study. Senryu are interesting, however, precisely because they reflect the thoughts and feelings of ordinary townspeople in a way that other more orthodox types of Japanese literature do not. In his introduction on the nature and historical background of the form, Makoto Ueda explores the elements of humor and satire contained in senryu, highlighting the mores that lie behind the laughter the poems evince.@Makoto Ueda is Professor Emeritus of Japanese at Stanford University. He has written, translated, and edited fourteen books, including LModern Japanese Tanka : An Anthology [Columbia, 1996]L, which won a Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Literary Translation Award.)


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