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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/05/26 08:41:33 JSTLastUpdate:2018/10/07 03:31:22 JST
TITULO Japan (From Prehistory to Modern Times) (š)
AUTOR John Whitney Hall
ISBN 4-8053-0276-3
NOTA (š)(The phenomenon of JapanLs rise as a world power, and particularly the dramatic events of the mid-twentieth century that saw Japan at war with the Allied Powers ; the first target of nuclear bombardment ; occupied for the first time in its history by a foreign power ; and finally achieving recovery with a speed and vigor that surprised all the world -all are seen here in the light of JapanLs historical growth. This volume traces the principal threads of JapanLs political and cultural life from early times to the present, emphasizing political and social institutions as they relate to JapanLs development as a nation. This development extends over more than two hundred years, during most of which time the Japanese people were relatively isolated from the main centers of world civilization but nevertheless were growing steadily in numbers and in national capacity to become, in modern times, the third largest industrial nation in the world. LJapan : From Prehistory to Modern TimesL brings the full resources of modern historical scholarship to bear upon its subject, thus creating a fully balanced and authoritative picture. The book is profusely illustrated with maps and photographs which elucidate and complement the text. 2.John Whitney Hall is Grisworld Professor of History at Yale University. Born in Tokyo, Japan, he received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Amherst College in 1939 and his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1950. He has been the recipient of a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship and a Guggengeim Fellowship, and has taught at Princeton University, the University of Michigan, and Doshisha University, Kyoto. Dr. Hall has served as Director of the Center for Japanese Studies, as a member of the editorial board of the American Historical Review, and is presently Chairman of the Association for Asian Studies Conference on Modern Japan. Among his books are : LJapanese History : A Guide to Japanese Research and ReferenceL ; LTwelve Doors to Japan [with R.K. Beardsley]f ; LGovernment and Local Power in Japan : 500 to 1700L ; and LStudies in the Institutional History of Early Modern Japan [with M.B. Jansen].L)


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