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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/08 06:53:20 JSTLastUpdate:2021/03/07 02:01:08 JST
TITULO The End of Summer (š)
AUTOR Harumi Setouchi
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 0-87011-911-7
NOTA (š)(£ŒË“à°ŠC, Translated by Janine Beichman)(Titulo original : Natsu no Owari [‰Ä‚̏I‚è, 1962]^@Through this novella -The End of Summer- and short story -The Pheasant- we hear the clear voice of a woman freeing herself from the chains of conventional Japanese society. From an untrammelled existence as the lover of two men, one married, the protagonist of LThe End of SummerL moves toward a kind of freedom which literally means having nothing left to lose. The consequences of living outside the well-trodden paths of life are harsh in Japan, and it takes a special kind of courage, fatalism even, for Tomoko of LThe End of SummerL to persist in her headlong search for self-knowledge and peace.^@LThe End of SummerL belongs to that genre of Japanese literature called LI-novelsL-intensely introspective writing concentrating on the inner resonances of mundane experience. Setouchi experiments with this form, attempting a montage effect which ultimately results in the readerLs complete identification with the protagonist. The concluding passages of LThe End of SummerL contain moving intimations of the decision the author made, ten years after its publication, to become a Buddhist nun.^@LThe PheasantL, also using material from SetouchiLs life, provides unexpected and shocking background to the novella. It is a painful evocation of a motherLs anguish, half-buried but never forgotten, at being parted from her child. The title refers to the traditional Japanese belief that the pheasant is an especially affectionate bird towards its young ; its piercing cry is said to be the birdLs call for its child, and the storyLs finale draws a brutal parallel between the mythic pain of the pheasant and that of a human mother.^@These stories present a portrait of a woman determined to cast off the shackles of the past -both her own past and the confining traditions of her culture.^@ŸHarumi Setouchi was born in Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, in 1922. She is a graduate of Tokyo Christian WomenLs University. Ms. Setouchi started to write actively in the late 1950Ls, establishing her name with a biography of the pioneer feminist author Toshiko Tamura. She continued to write biographies of contemporary political and literary feminists, and also published semiautobiographical novels. In 1973 she became a Buddhist nun, continuing, nonetheless, to publish novels.^@Among Ms. SetouchiLs major works are LThe End of Summer [1962]L, and LKanoko ryoran [serialized 1962-64, published in book form in 1971]L, a biography of contemporary woman writer Kanoko Okamoto.)


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