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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/08 06:55:42 JSTLastUpdate:2019/03/08 22:02:01 JST
TITULO Watcher from the Shore (★)
AUTOR Ayako Sono (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1438-4
NOTA (*)(trans. by Edward Putzar) (★)(Titulo original : 神の汚れた手 [Kami no Yogoreta Te] 1.In this novel, her first to be published in English, one of Japan´s most eminent writers provides a unique perspective to abiding moral issues that know no boundaries, while creating some memorable fictional characters. Sadaharu is a Tokyo-trained gynecologist who practices in a small rural clinic near the sea. Despite his efforts to remain a detached observer, he finds himself becoming involved in the lives of those who turn to him for help : the infertile woman who hungers for her own child ; the unmarried woman who finds her abortion has failed and decides to give birth after all --without telling the father ; the elderly woman concerned for the welfare of an illegitimate great-grandchild. As these and others enter his life, Sadaharu discovers that increasingly, against his will, he must make life-or-death decisions while himself lacking any clear vision of right and wrong. He finds himself more and more recounting his experiences to a neighboring Catholic priest, an unprepossessing man in his thirties with a weakness for wearing Hawaiian shirts and drinking beer, who nonetheless helps Sadaharu come to terms with his dilemmas. Watcher From The Shore is a novel of ideas that play themselves out in the dreams, fears and actions of human beings caught up in dramatic situations that mirror everyday realities. The fact that they are Japanese only strengthens the universality of their experiences in a world where we are constantly discovering that everyone has the same problems --and solutions. 2.Ayako Sono was born in 1931, and was educated at Catholic schools from kindergarten to university. While she was a student at Tokyo´s University of the Sacred Heart, she joined a literary group and began writing fiction. During her literary career, she has written many bestselling novels, as well as being active in such organizations as Save The Children Federation and United States-Japan Foundation. She lives with her husband outside Tokyo.)


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