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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/08 07:05:39 JSTLastUpdate:2018/08/19 02:29:36 JST
TITULO Citadel in Spring (š)
AUTOR Hiroyuki Agawa (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1460-0
NOTA (*)(trans. by Lawrence Rogers) (š)(Titulo original : Haru no shiro [t‚Ģé, 1949], 1.From its lyrical opening through its chilling presentations of battles at sea and the destruction of Hiroshima,LCitadel in SpringL is a moving and personal account of fighting on the losing side of World War II in the Pacific. It is 1942. Koji Obata and his classmates are leaving Tokyo Imperial University, forced to graduate ahead of schedule in order to help fight a war that Japan is still winning. In the years that lie ahead, Koji and those dear to him from his hometown of Hiroshima -his aging parents, his draft-dodging friend, his classmates in battle, his high-school teacher who openly opposes the war, and a young woman waiting for her childhood sweetheart to come home- will each live through a war of personal conflicts as well as military ones. And on a single day in August 1945 each will lose more than any of them had ever imagined. In the tradition of LAll Quiet on the Western FrontL, this tale is a compelling portrait of war and youth in a wartime Japan far different from the conventional image. 2.Hiroyuki Agawa [ˆ¢ģO”V] was born in Hiroshima in 1920. After graduating from Tokyo Imperial University in 1942 he joined the Japanese navy, serving as an information officer in Taiwan.LCitadel in SpringL is his first novel and was awarded the Yomiuri Prize ; subsequently his biography of Admiral Yamamoto was awarded the Shinchosha Literary Prize. In recognition of his important contribution to contemporary literature, Agawa was awarded both the Japan Academy Prize and the EmperorLs Prize in 1979.)


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